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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. The best argument for Montreal is that it would give TSN 150+ days of national programming to compete with Sportsnet and the Blue Jays, but that would still be contingent on a new stadium that I don't think they're going to get, and putting ~32,000 people in that stadium for every game, and even when the Expos had better attendance than the Yankees it was when everyone's attendance blew. I love Quebec but I'm not bullish on Montreal baseball. MLB and the goddamn separatists pretty much salted the earth for baseball. So much for the commissioner not wanting to alienate anyone in North America.

    • Like 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, HedleyLamarr said:

    The few times I've been there, it's taken us 1.5 hours to go from Clearwater to inside the stadium.  Or, two hours from Kissimmee to Tropicana Field.


    For people who don't know, Kissimmee is an eastern suburb of Orlando.


    I've said it before: baseball and bad urban planning don't mix.

    • Like 4
  3. Yeah, baseball was kinda checkmated into giving Tampa Bay a team after St. Pete built the dome on spec and had the rug pulled out from under them on three relocation attempts. Between the awful stadium and the nature of the market, it's still a terrible place for a team, but they didn't have much of a choice. Keep screwing with them and eventually they're probably taking you to court over the antitrust exemption.


    I think expanding to Miami was still the right thing to do in 1993 because eventually you couldn't not expand to Miami, and South Florida isn't really the heart of spring training country (I think the southernmost spring training site was Jupiter until they built this new West Palm complex) the way Central Florida is, so there wasn't that issue of redundancy.


    I don't see a lot of places for the Rays to go. Las Vegas would be a terrible idea, San Antonio and Austin wouldn't get by the Texas teams without some sort of onerous MASNesque deal, Raleigh will give you all the transplant problems of Tampa with a smaller population, and Montreal has demographic problems that can't be overcome. All I can come up with are Vancouver, or going way off the board with Omaha and trying to create an Oklahoma City Thunder situation with twice the home dates and twice the seats. Like we've said, baseball asks the most of its markets.

    • Like 2
  4. 11 hours ago, McCarthy said:

    The one woman, Mallory Rubin, has this voice that carries at a frequency that tickles my eardrums in such a way that makes me want to say "please stop yelling" even when she's speaking at a normal volume. 


    Clever alias "Mallory" but we knew you'd find something to do after losing the election

    • Like 1
  5. Hockey Hall of Famer Jeremy Jacobs sued the IRS over the extent to which catering for road games is tax-deductible and won.



    Since the whole away team crew is away from its business home, the IRS does not question that the meals are deductible.  Generally though, the deduction for meals is limited to 50% (Code Section 274(n)).  There are exceptions.  There were two that the Bruins owners argued they qualified for.  One was that the meals were a "de minimis" fringe benefit and the other was that they were an expense of entertainment sold to customers.  The first excuse turned out to be good enough, so the Tax Court did not discuss the second one.

    lol the kicker is that he wasn't suing over whether he could get a deduction, it was that he got half the deduction but he wanted the whole. Only in the goddamn 1%.

  6. How would this be good business for the Suns, who could book more lucrative arena dates than a hockey team that only draws around 10,000? And what sort of muscle does Count Bettman have to boss the NBA around on the issue? What is he saying here, "You have to build a new arena and you have to share it with a hockey team despite all your other new arenas eschewing their hockey teams so as to maximize basketball revenue because we need to say we're nominally in Phoenix while retaining a low-revenue market for the purposes of suppressing expenses for high-revenue markets"?


    I don't see any way that this should come to fruition, so that means it absolutely will.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/25/2017 at 3:35 PM, DouglasQuaid said:


    I feel like its a great concept but I would rather see it colored like the original TC



    But that defeats the whole point of why I made it, which was to get rid of that faulty coloration and give them a monogram in one color with an outline and reinforce their color distribution as navy and white with red accents (that is to say, navy and red, but scripts, names, and numbers would never ever appear in red as they often have, only navy or white depending on background).


    EDIT: perhaps not the whole point -- the secondary objective was to lose the wishbone C and give them a non-block slab-serif C because that way Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Cities would all have their own style of C.

    • Like 1
  8. The Root Sports RSNs are rebranding to AT&T Sportsnet with the exception of the Northwest affiliate, which will remain Root Sports Northwest. Any idea why? Non-AT&T minority ownership?


    EDIT: apparently CSN Bay Area has become NBC Sports Bay Area, too. This hasn't happened in Chicago yet but I'm guessing it will.

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