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Posts posted by CS85

  1. 6 hours ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    Jessica Eye getting a third eye and Connor McGregor shattering his ankle on UFC 264 tonight.

    Was at a Mexican restaurant last night and UFC was on the TV facing me. I had no interest in what was happening, but occasionally glanced at the action.  Midway through a taco salad, I told my wife, “holy 💩 that’s a lotta blood!”  

    Looked like the Eddie Guerrero botched blade job from Judgment day.  Same location and everything. The cut was like a half-inch deep and they shoved a fingers worth of Vaseline in there, but one tap later she was leaking like a sieve again. 

    The McGregor ankle thing was pretty bad too, but in a “nope nope nope I’m good, look away” way.  I can deal with blood and wounds, but any compound looking fracture/“it doesn’t go that way” injury, I’m out. 

    • Like 1
  2. Barkley's candor, wit, and sass are legendary.  Once he's gone the show will need to find a natural replacement that won't clearly be an "act like Chuck did" guy, which is infinitely easier said than done. 

    Shaq needs to call it a day and go play golf or whatever.  Ever since he's transitioned from manchild-twinkle-in-the-eye Shaq to tired-groaning-grumpy Shaq he drags the broadcast down immensely.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Gothamite said:

    With Juneteenth on the verge of being recognized as a federal holiday, there's a lot of focus on the Juneteenth flag.  And I love it.



    The idea came from a Boston activist, and the design from illustrator Lisa Graf.  She describes the symbolism this way:



    A couple years later, somebody added the date as an alternate version.  Major, major downgrade.




    And now, like with many public domain designs, there are a bunch of unofficial versions.  




    Shame.  They haven't improved upon the original.





    • Like 12
  4. 11 hours ago, AgentColon2 said:

    Derek Carr rocking this weird new helmet at minicamp.




    It sure is a weird helmet, but it sure looks like there's some guy behind him that's having an intense religious/edibles experience.

    • Like 9
  5. 7 minutes ago, cajunaggie08 said:

    Western Michigan seems to be taking design input from Washington Football Team and are going with a W in a circle as well. The new logo appears to be for both the school itself as well as for the athletic teams. The athletic department website features the new W logo throughout yet the football team social media pages are still using the bronco logo. It will be interesting to see if all the teams have new uniforms and equipment that match the new branding and colors.


    As far as the new main logo, its ok. The biggest issue I have is there is nothing distinctive about it that lets you know its Western Michigan. Brown and gold are unique colors for sure in college branding. Unfortunately they only other school that comes to mind with the same colors is Wyoming, so by using just a W it could be mistaken for a logo for Wyoming, if Wyoming were crazy enough to ever move away from the bucking cowboy logo.


    New logo

    No photo description available.

    Old Logo



    Links aren't working.   Here's a tiny, crappy picture of it. 



    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Ridleylash said:

    I just don't see it, honestly. The neon orange is garish as hell, especially combined with a navy that's so dark it looks black on camera. The royal looks gorgeous and teams around the league are moving away from navy blue anyways; the Sabres dumped it in favor of royal, the Isles dumped it a while ago; I think only Winnipeg's left of the NHL teams using navy besides Seattle.


    Plus royal blue is the color they wore during their Stanley Cup dynasty. Navy blue has...like, the 2006 run? Getting swept by Winnipeg in the first round this season? It's not exactly a color the Oilers have historically had much success in.


    The Oilers and Islanders need to meet up and hammer out which team will take royal and which will take navy, because we can't keep doing this crap.

    • Like 5
  7. 27 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    Yeah and it's really weird if you have the ad-free version normally, because you'll be browsing the forums, then all of a sudden 400 ads pop up out of nowhere because you've been logged out for a second.

    Indeed.   Quickest workaround I’ve found for this is simply to tap the header to reload the forum and it signs me in. I don’t know why this bug exists, but I can live with it if all I have to do is press a button.  

    • Like 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, DukeofChutney said:

    Forgive me if I'm asking an obvious question, but has the ability/process to post images changed?


    Previously I was using the BBCode(forums) url on imgur and it automatically pasted the image. Now its just the link. Is there a new way we're supposed to add images now?


    The image url should automatically embed.  I’ll test here shortly and check with the mods if something in the ACP needs toggled.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, CC97 said:

    Ad-Free Experience Now Available


    Please read the below before signing up, thanks!


    So, as you all know, the ads have been necessary because they pay for the server and software fees. What you may not know is that the earnings from the ads are based entirely on the amount of times any of these ads load, they don't pay a flat monthly fee, if you're browsing 100 pages per day this means you have been generating 100 pages worth of ad earnings because you're loading that many ads (thank you). However, there's a downside to that, the monthly server fees are ALSO affected by how many page loads there are.


    If we remove ads from every one of your page loads this improves your experience considerably, but it results in the loss of all of those ad earnings and does not change the fact that those pageload-affected server costs remain the same. Simply put, without the ad earnings, your use of the site costs me money. In an attempt to offset that loss as much as possible, I am now offering an option in which you can contribute each month approximately what your usual ad earnings would have been in exchange for removing ads from your account while browsing the forums. This price I've set this at is basically the minimum that I think we can make this work, I wanted to make sure it was priced at a point that you'd realistically consider signing up for the option -- there is a voluntary option when signing up to increase what you pay if you would like to contribute more, which obviously will be extremely appreciated but note that it is totally unnecessary.


    Things to know:

    • This is a recurring monthly fee which will be charged and handled by Patreon
    • The ads will only be removed from the CCSLC, you will still see ads on the logos site and the news section (I'd love to offer tiered options to remove ads from all three but I'm just not sure it's technically possible to do so! I have been discussing this possibility with people smarter than me, stay tuned)
    • Because Patreon and the board software can't communicate with each other, if your Patreon email address or name doesn't match what you use on the boards, I'll need you to let me know you signed up and what information you used so I can get you all set up here. Implementing your ad-free experience is being done manually, one user at a time, by me and me alone, so there will be a delay between the time you signed up and when your ads are removed - my goal is to keep this delay to just a few minutes but if you sign up while I'm sleeping or driving or taking my kids to school you may have to wait a wee bit longer.

    You can sign up using the Patreon link below, thank you all for your patience and your support!




    I'm signed up, babay.



    • Like 7
  10. 18 hours ago, BBTV said:

    Back to the number rule change, why do LBs need 90-99 if they now have 1-59?

    Linebackers have worn 90-99 for a good while.  The Bears had Hunter Hillenmyer (92) and Leonard Floyd (94), but around the league there was/were Elvis Dumervil, DeMarcus Ware, Brian Orakpo, Shaun Phillips, among others.

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