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Posts posted by ridenlow71

  1. Seeing the 1928 Grey Cup ring (above) surprised me, I would not have thought they would have given out Grey Cup rings that far back. I looked back through this thread, and the only one that is older was a 1927 New York Yankees ring (sadly the picture no long posts. I should also note that a 1932 Yankees ring was mislabeled as 1923). This got me thinking, when were championship rings first given out? What is the oldest Championship ring out there?

    The oldest one I know of is the 1922 New York Giants:



    I've heard that someone found a 1914 World Series ring. I'll see if I can find the article.


  2. This issue gets brought up on HFBoards a lot, too. The question is, as a fan of a team or as a graphic designer, why would you support something where the purchase price ends up going to neither? However you may feel about paying $100-300 for a jersey, if you support counterfeit goods, you are only raising the price, not lowering it. Much like people complaining about not being able to see NFL preseason games or complaining about how McDonalds is unfair for not having a dollar menu, there is no inalienable right to an authentic jersey. If you can't afford it, don't get it. But don't support an illegal trade.

    That being said...I'd buy one of those Bruins Winter Classic throwbacks on the condition that it was blank. Those numbers are atrocious, but doesn't seem like they made any glaring mistakes on that one.

    Except for the brown parts of the real jersey being black on the fake ones. But who would notice that?

    I couldn't agree more!! I'm not a fan of paying $200 for an authentic but I will. I have 2 of them.

  3. As a joke, I asked him what would happen if I ran out the door with his rings. He said "Nothing. I've got three more at home." He had coached with the 70's A's and scouted for the '83 Orioles. The guy had five World Series rings.

    I think at that point I'dve hauled ass. :D

    I own four Super Bowl rings in total - all bought off of players or front office staff. They're cool, but wearing one in public is equivalent to having a spotlight on you, attracting attention you don't necessarily want.


    OnWis97 you don't need alot of money to collect championship rings. Up above on this page I have a picture of my 2006 Florida gators national championship ring. It was pricey but not over the top. I'm working on getting my hands on a packers 96 super bowl ring right now. All depends what ring you want and who owned it.

    If it was a staff ring it won't cost nearly as much as a players ring. Even then if it was a player who rode the brench it will be cheaper. Infact I know someone who's got a Miami Heat ring for sale and it's less than 10K

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