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Posts posted by IceCap

  1. "Original Six Dressup" was originally meant as a slight to the Lightning and Hurricanes, when they decided to just ape the Maple Leafs and Red Wings' identities.


    But it quickly got hijacked by peens who just wanted to hate on traditionally styled hockey sweaters, no matter the team or design.

    Seriously, what O6 team does Columbus' alternate look like? None of them. So it isn't O6 Dressup. Shame the term had to get ruined, but here we are.

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  2. 17 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    "Loud, bright jerseys and agressive logo" You sure you're talking about the Panthers?

    You didn't even post a logo they wore on their jerseys. And you're accusing me of grasping at straws 😆


    The Beej' neon green days are a bit of an aberration in the grand scheme of their identity. Since those early days they've been leaning into the Civil War and Ohio imagery. 


    I mean the Wild are their expansion cousins and their entire brand is Olde Tymed Iced Hockey. No one seems to care except for the people who can't accept that the North Stars aren't coming back. 


    Columbus isn't as much of a traditional hockey hotbed as the Twin Cities are, but again... Great Lakes region, old time-y nickname... they can make faux retro work. 


    What do you want? Force them to wear neon green forever as a monument to the sin of being founded in the early 2000s? 

    • Like 4
  3. It's probably hyperbolic on my part, but part of me feels like a line was crossed with that orange Bears helmet. This is one of the league's most historic franchises. They stuck the team's founder's initials on the sleeve ffs. The only alternate helmets they've ever had previously had been throwbacks. 


    But this? It feels like it's the final horn blow to usher in uniform Ragnarok. Before the Bears' alt helmet? There are some things that remain untouchable. After the Bears' alt helmet? EVERYTHING is fair game and nothing is sacred. 

    • Like 10
  4. 3 minutes ago, lilgump said:

    Isn't the problem that the Bucs, eagles, Seahawks didn't have the jerseys in the supply chain in time. 

    No, the Eagles have to wait on kelly green because Nike can't get the colour right. 


    I'm not kidding. 




    The Eagles also announced that the club had initially planned on using a Kelly green throwback-inspired helmet instead of black this season, but due to issues with Nike correctly reproducing the original shade of green for their jerseys, they had to push things back a season.


    Nike! Cutting edge fabrics and templates! Can't do green! 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Sport said:

    They finally put Skatin' Johnny on a jersey only to use the old version and not the new better version. If that's real it's like a joke on me specifically. 

    Canucks gonna Canuck. 


    On 7/21/2022 at 2:25 PM, AFirestormToPurify said:

    I'll never understand why people love that jersey. The very definition of a soulless and generic jersey. An expansion team from the early 2000s playing O6 dress-up because double blue jerseys, roundel logos and vintage white were trendy in the early 2010s





    Especially now that we have yet another navy blue + light blue team in Seattle. They don't wanna look like the Rangers (which they absolutely don't, not even remotely close) but they wouldn't mind sharing their colours with the Jets and Kraken?

    So the Penguins only ever wore that as a throwback, and they've stopped doing that.


    As for the rest... the only uniform that the Blue Jackets' alternate really struck me as similar as was the Panthers' alternate. They were really doing the same sort of thing but I was ok with the Beej and not the Panthers because the aesthetic just fit Columbus better. 


    A team in South Florida that made a name for itself upsetting the balance of the league with an early Cup run, loud, bright modern jerseys, an aggressive logo, and plastic rats on the ice suddenly deciding it was an Olde Tyme Iced Hockey Team was groan worthy. 


    The Jackets may be a younger franchise but between their nickname and locale it feels like they could have been around longer. They're in the hockey hotbed that is the Great Lakes region, their name references the fricken Civil War... yeah. Sure. Absolutely. They can pull off the fauxback look. Florida? Not so much. 

    • Like 7
  6. This isn't the NHL where you have eighty-two games and maybe five to ten you wear an alternate. This is a seventeen game season. 

    Frankly? Football has so few games in a season compared to other sports that alternates should be an extreme rarity. Like once a season rare. 


    The problem, though, is what @oldschoolvikings has been saying. The seal's been broken. You think the NFL will restrain themselves? The Eagles are already trying to get both their new black alternate helmets and throwback kelly green helmets approved for 2023. 


    This is just the beginning. We've begun the NCAA-ification of NFL helmets and uniforms. Anyone thinking the league will restrain itself to just one alternate uniform two-three times a season belongs in the same category of people who thought uniform ads in the NHL were just a "temporary measure" for the pandemic. 

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  7. 54 minutes ago, ujju2 said:


    As a (fellow?) Oilers fan, I can say confidently that it was all the same red. The issue was that in the stripes, the red and copper touched, and that made the red look weird. It was never salmon.

    I'm more an Oilers enjoyer. They're one of the teams I like, but I'm (unfortunately) a born and raised Leafs fan. 


    But thanks for the clarification. I could have sworn it was salmon but it's been years. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    Edit: also, we definitely don't have a McJesus that we can build a new identity around lol

    And if you did the vast majority of Habs fans would want him playing in the same uniform as the past Habs greats.

    And they'd be right.


    25 minutes ago, Nordiks_19 said:

    Well, it's official now, and along with a matching white at least



    I'm so glad we could go on this journey through the orange and navy roundabout together. Thank you Oilers.


    17 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    Not comparable to the Oilers at all, who've only known success for a few years in a specific decade and have changed their colours 3 times now only to go back to their "classic" and very dated uniform associated with a very specific superstar after a few years.

    Every diversion from the Gretzky look goes back to the Gretzky look though. The navy/copper/salmon era led to back to the Gretzky look, and the orange and navy identity didn't really last long enough to be an "era" of its own. Right back to the Gretzky look.


    You keep disparaging that identity as only being associated with success in one decade (two if we're going to be very technical), but that team was the stuff of NHL legends. The Oilers were as relevant as they'll ever be during those years and that look is what they wore during it.


    Like it or not but...maybe that's just what the Oilers are? The team seems to think so since they keep returning to it.


    5 hours ago, McCall said:

    According to TruColor, that was pantone 186, which is the shade of red most commonly used in the NHL (save for the darker reds like Minnesota, Arizona, etc.).

    I had that jersey as a kid. The numbers and logo definitely used red, but it was a lighter salmony colour on the stripes.

    • Like 4
  9. 7 hours ago, Point1 said:

    Frankly, for a younger generation of fans the royal blue jerseys don't bring memories of the Gretzky years - they bring to mind the constant failure of the 2010 to 2016 Oilers.


    Even if I wasn't huge on the orange primary look, at least it was kind of acknowledging that and building a new look for a new era. Navy + orange could have been a very sharp McDavid-era identity if they stuck to it (and made a navy version of the classic sweater the primary)

    The problems are two-fold. 


    The first is that in this era of mass media it's easier for younger fans to see and experience older teams than its ever been before. Media is so all-encompassing that the idea that younger fans just don't know about teams that played before they were born isn't true anymore. 


    The second is that they seem to always return to the Gretzky look anyway. They went to navy, copper, and salmon of all things in the late 90s and rode that until the Edge changeover when they butchered that identity. Then they just decided to go to the classic Gretzky look and everyone was happy.


    Then they decided they needed a unique look for McDavid's era. So the royal became navy again and orange became the primary. How effective was that? Well we're on the verge of the Gretzky look (or something based off of it) again. 

    Maybe it's because the era in orange was just as disappointing as what came before. Maybe orange just didn't land with the fanbase (it is close to arch rival Calgary's red and gold). Whatever reason they're returning to the classic look. Again. 


    So if the Oilers are going to constantly try and change their brand only to return to the look they wore when they won five Cups then maybe... just maybe... that's what they should just be wearing? 


    bUt No OnE rEmEmBeRs GrEtZkY 


    Come on now. Yes they do. The Gretzky Oilers were arguably the greatest hockey team ever assembled. So good they lost the best player ever and still won another Cup. 

    When you have that history it's not the worse thing ever to just rep that look all the time.

    • Like 8
  10. 1 hour ago, See Red said:

    I mean, Kerfoot on Hedman was pretty clearly a high-stick. 

    I mean I can make something look like a high stick when I push the other guy's stick into my face.


    1 hour ago, See Red said:

    Beyond that, I think what I said -- which is basically that it's whatever,  that both teams benefitted from non-calls in the game, and acknowledging the Lightning have benefitted from missed calls in the past -- is dealing with it better than, say, "the Leafs have gotten hosed by officiating" and whining about how often the refs bail out the Lightning.

    The Lightning are two-time defending Cup Champions. I think we can clearly say that the Lightning have had more calls go their way and than not over the past twenty-four months. One crucial call finally didn't. Sucks man, but NHL officiating's a crapshoot. You're lucky with it until you aren't.


    And no, if you're here kvetching you're not "dealing with it."

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  11. 5 hours ago, speedy said:


    The only thing I can think happened here was Cooper talked to Vailevskiy and asked if he wanted to sit and take a mental reset for Game 3 and he said no this is my net, then Cooper said "They scored 10 goals, Jim. Right now it's everybody's net." Or something like that.


    Literally the only reason he was out there was because he wanted to be. It might be pride in being the only goalie to play minutes on their current run or maybe he just wanted to find his game again, I don't know - but it was a really odd thing to see him out there.

    Especially because he gave up two more and Colorado kept pushing even after that. It's not like he had a moment to take a breather.

    Maybe he was hoping to inspire his teammates? But I mean... I never played at anywhere near the NHL level, but goaltender is my position. And it's never fun to be in that situation. Refusing to concede is one thing but when they knock a few more past you, you just look and feel like a schmuck. 


    I'm not sure I'm ready to consider Tampa dead just yet. They're too good. 

    But I will say that this doesn't feel like either Toronto or New York at all, where even when they were down you could tell they were dangerous. Outside of that brief two goal spurt in game one they've looked awful. 

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