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Status Updates posted by jonrohlf

  1. PS: Just found out @roryscovel will be in Ames at the MShop next Thursday, so go, ya turds. BCC: @TheRealNoahRay @saroth101

  2. Need to order business cards? Check this- Battle of the Business Cards; which online print company is the best buy? http://t.co/30sZRJkX

  3. Are there any good albums out today?

  4. Call me Matt Damon, cuz I'm Goodwill Hunting. http://t.co/74bRrcTG

  5. I can now say that my band has opened for a Grammy-winning band. #resumebuilder Huge congrats to fun.

  6. Watching @nbccommunity in a library study room. So meta. http://t.co/7KPywJrV

  7. Had to put a picture of Ray Lewis in sermon graphics. Hurt me down to the core.

  8. Every day I get closer to my childhood goal of looking more like Al Borland.

  9. I'm not a @NielsenWire TV Box owner so my opinion doesn't matter, but @NBCCommunity is one of the best shows on TV. #CommunityReturnsTonight

  10. I go through binge and purge cycles with coffee/caffeine. Today, I want to chug a French Press.

  11. Check out my new Spotify playlist, "I Tolerate the 80's" ♫ I Tolerate the 80's http://t.co/RWBFdONj #Spotify

  12. I'm confused. So Ben Gibbard and Jimmy Tamborello won't deliver mail on Saturdays anymore? @PostalService

  13. Nice @Jaguars logo cleanup by 1st Down Creative. The power of bold lines. http://t.co/nqEu2RCE

  14. If limping around a track while throwing up in your mouth is considered running, then I just got back from running.

  15. I felt like this guy when I saw the new Jags logo for the first time. http://t.co/Nq8ZV4ap

  16. Really want to visit the High Line Park in Manhattan. http://t.co/nuJMoVww

  17. All these commercials for @BigBangTheory are getting me excited for @CommunityNBC #watchgoodtv

  18. Did you know: people will drink beer without having to see a stupid commercial for it.

  19. Just saw #SilverLiningsPlaybook. Highly recommended for people that like their movies with yelling, running, and Bradley Cooper's baby blues

  20. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Hives (5), The Joy Formidable (5) & The Smith Street Band (5) http://t.co/tx5x1ouL

  21. Hey brother! RT @cameronstrang: Sneak peek at our March/10th anniversary cover http://t.co/zcY7jXOr

  22. Marriage tip: your wife may or may not appreciate it when you whisper "Something wicked this way comes..." then rip off a huge fart.

  23. I really hope Daniel Day-Lewis wins the Oscar for his portrayal of a networking guru in "Linked In"

  24. Let's hope. RT @daringfireball: BlackBerry Announces the End of BlackBerry: http://t.co/t9LPjsMa

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