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Status Updates posted by jonrohlf

  1. .@cryndi trying to describe the plot of Sweeney Todd: "The barber that makes hamburger patties!"

  2. I dreamt last night that I shared a long, meaningful hug with Bill Murray.

  3. 60º in Chicago? Havin' a summah in January. #summah

  4. Got tickets to see @roryscovel at @thelincolnlodge with @Trenton_jones. Everybody's welcome to join us, because otherwise it's a man date.

  5. Nick Nolte is just Tom Waits without the handful of confetti.

  6. I only use the Shazam iPhone app to figure out what terrible music I'm being subjected to. So far tonight, Pitbull and Steve Miller.

  7. Had to cancel internet and tv because Comcast wanted another 2 years from us. Not good for a person who owns a dumbphone.

  8. The Price is Right and pajamas all day. This is the life, except for when I vomit my stomach lining out every 45 minutes.

  9. Just made 96 pancakes for the homeless with @cryndi. http://t.co/Pm4QOpVe

  10. .@PeteHolmez gettin' all up in my NFL

  11. Hello, Illinois. @cryndi and I are looking for an apartment/townhome/house to rent in our area if you know of any leads.

  12. If you're trying to find the best Starbucks in the Fox Valley area, might I suggest Arcedium Coffee?

  13. Awesome to see @MarkDuplass and @prattprattpratt in Zero Dark Thirty. #range

  14. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Bright Eyes (22), The Lumineers (19) & Passion Pit (10) http://t.co/tx5x1ouL

  15. Does @AndrewWK go to #HarvestBibleChapel? “@AndrewWK: PARTY TIP: You are loved.”

  16. .@JohnKrasinski is my new hero since I just learned he's married to Emily Blunt.

  17. .@NewBelgium Brewery just became 100% employee owned. http://t.co/a6UVcXjk #LongLiveCraft

  18. Looks like I'll be pulling for the NFC in the Super Bowl. Ravens = pure evil, Patriots = purer eviler.

  19. Matt Bryant: great at field goals, terrible at squib kicks.

  20. Who else wants to go see Django All the Way tonight? The new Tarantino/Schwartzenegger film.

  21. .@MarkDuplass is so hot right now.

  22. The coolest thing about Tacoma, Washington is the word "taco" right there in the name.

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