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Status Updates posted by jonrohlf

  1. Celebrating two home openers today. Ramiro's is back in Elgin! https://t.co/E2zofF1E8c

  2. The best hair in baseball and the worst hair in baseball are both claimed by Mets pitchers. https://t.co/qKjjJ1uPZt

  3. 360 Degrees of Kevin Bacon https://t.co/sZT5umoHfj

  4. I would take a driving test every year if it lowered my insurance and got 15% of drivers off the road.

  5. Cubs are on pace to outscore their opponents 1,458 to 0. Cardinals are on pace to go winless this season. ✌️

  6. No more parties in IA. #NewlyWieds https://t.co/KQOMeNqIGZ

  7. @austinkleon The great @fadonz

  8. My voice right now is somewhere between Tom Waits and Pete Holmes' Batman.

  9. On that echinacea tea/Vitamin C diet.

  10. New album covers that caught my eye today. https://t.co/0esftrX6GV

  11. Above the scenes. https://t.co/PCdX205EU4 https://t.co/TY3kXuClaF

  12. @nottjmiller @3oh3 are we still doing Denver Yeah?

  13. I'm not saying no more tweets about Drake LaRoche…let's just try to cut back by 50%.

  14. @the_craigen My next attempt will be smoking and curing. Is curing something that can be done at home or not?

  15. Shot of the tournament right thurr. #UNIFight

  16. @golfnewt Em-bear-rassing

  17. .@ChrisGethard's brand new podcast on Earwolf is an emotional rollercoaster. I laughed. I cried. I schadenfreuded. https://t.co/Sp8M0IiVmp

  18. Did my civic doodie.

  19. Finally, a chance to break out my “BEAT IONA” shirt.

  20. Fasting today in mental and physical preparation for Pequod's pizza tonight.

  21. “I walked in feeling like an ‘artist.’…I didn't feel vulnerable anymore. I lost my humility. And that’s when growth stops.” via @humansofny

  22. Rest in peace Aaron Huffman, art director and bassist of Harvey Danger/The Weather. He and his art will be missed. https://t.co/jy3PUb2cXL

  23. Great night celebrating @Trenton_jones' 28.019 years of age. Sorry we missed your birthday last week.

  24. @jonrohlf There's a darkness on the edge of Iowa.

  25. RT @TheMatthewSmith: Proud of my main dude @TheRealNoahRay who killed it on his first national tv commercial. https://t.co/QGu00Fone4

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