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Everything posted by timehasflownby

  1. $4.01. For a trophy like this that says "Robert Ozias III: Winner" on it. I think it's worth it. Probably. http://t.co/JCLtPWqarD

  2. I’m ready to engage with my 1 new follower in the past day. I know them via http://t.co/qlw3YVjUm3

  3. Outside or inside, people have fun without me.

  4. It's 4am and I still feel bitter.

  5. If you could visit anywhere on holiday where would you go? — Nowhere, because no one wants me. http://t.co/qxW1EJsZxv

  6. I used to have an NES when I was about 12-14. Too bad it broke.

  7. I'm up, but I'm sure no one cares.

  8. I edited a page so his name would be the charater name, who incidentally was killed in the movie. It's still there after five years.

  9. Not that this matters, but I freaking hate gravy.

  10. Happy 4th of July! What are you doing this weekend? — As of now...Nothing, as usual. You already knew this. http://t.co/ycGHSflb7S

  11. Evidently I wasn't the only one that had power going out for a brief moment.

  12. Wondering how to grow on twitter? I gained 2 followers in the past day. This is the app: http://t.co/qlw3YVjUm3

  13. #NothingMoreAmericanThan Pronouncing this hashtag as NUTHIN MOR AMURICAN THEN @midnight

  14. I've got three pieces of chicken from KFC in my fridge...and some biscuits...and some potato wedges. If I'm ever hungry...Mmm.

  15. Growing and engaging with the right tweeps - gained 2 new followers in the past day, courtesy http://t.co/qlw3YVjUm3

  16. I have a rising follower graph! 1 more follower in the past day. Get your stats right here http://t.co/qlw3YVjUm3

  17. I wouldn't trust you with a story on politics. Also, screw guacamole. https://t.co/UiwamM7UpB

  18. I asked my mom on the over/under on the amount of cavities they'd find at my dentist appointment. She said over 2 and I said under. ?

  19. RT @TimRaines30: #HappyCanadaDay tomorrow everyone up north. I played there so long, my wife is from Canada, I definitely feel part Canadia…

  20. Hello (1939) Sherlock. We meet again. http://t.co/Rv3F2yi0Xu

  21. Did you really think this was a good idea? #AskBobby

  22. I have a rising follower graph! 3 more followers in the past day. Get your stats right here http://t.co/qlw3YVjUm3

  23. I don't have anyone to do anything with.

  24. RT @MinorsTeamNames: Marlins promote Austin Nola to AAA New Orleans, where his name will appear on the front and back of his jersey http://…

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