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Posts posted by DCarp1231

  1. On 8/18/2016 at 6:47 PM, FlyEaglesFly76 said:

    Just for :censored:s and giggles, here's what I think the NFL would look like if they gave a :censored: about geography


    NFC East: NYG, Washington, Philadelphia, Carolina

    As much as I'd love that because it makes a TON more sense than Dallas in the East, heated rivalries have already been well established and you can't mess with that. Dallas in the East makes as much sense as Atlanta in the NFC West from 1970-2001.

  2. On 8/26/2016 at 0:08 AM, DustDevil61 said:


    I agree for expanding usable numbers, though I like 90-99 for linebacker use. In fact, I'd expand the use of 90-99 to tight ends and 80-89 to linebackers. Maybe it's just from watching college football or older NFL/AFL videos where numbering rules are/were less strict and those number sets seem to be used fairly often, but those numbers always seemed to fit just as well as what we're familiar with today.


    While I'm at it, why not let players use 0 (QBs/Ks/Ps) and 00 (treating it as an abridged, 2-digit version of 100; LBs/TEs/D Line)? I've never understood the rationale in keeping 0 and 00 off-limits to players except for the grandfathered Jim Otto and Ken Burrough (OK, Burrough was a WR, but still).





    It'll never happen, but I can always dream, can't I?


    (Side note: Apparently 90-99 were off-limits in the NFL until 1987. Maybe numbering rules weren't as loose as I had previously thought.)

    I actually wouldn't mind WRs number range be expanded to 10-29,80-89. That or just do 20-29,80-89. Leave 10-19 to QBs and K/P. Something about a WR jersey number in the 20s just looks awesome.

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  3. 40-59 are the best number choices for linebackers. Especially 40-49. 90-99 not so much. Leave that to the defensive line.


    One good example is Vic Beasley Jr. 



    NFL rules state linebackers can choose numbers 40-59 & 90-99, but teams and players can get around this rule and go even lower with number choice. Recently, there have been a few "hybrid" defensive players. Typically Safeties switching to Linebackers.


    Examples of these are:


    Deone Bucannon (Cardinals LB/S #20 (he has also previously worn #36))



    Su'a Cravens (Redskins S #36 but has been playing LB a lot in preseason)



    Personally, I really hope extends the number choice for LBs to 30-59 & 90-99


    • Like 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, rattyrattera said:


    is a 'What if the USFL hadn't folded' thread, and is very interesting

    What I meant was no merging or anything. Just being able to sustain itself and compete against the NFL.

  5. I don't like when logos are repeated on football uniforms. As in the same logo is on the helmet, jersey sleeves, and sometimes pants. Examples include Panthers, Eagles, Clemson, etc

    The Eagles have wings on their helmets...I dont think the eagle head is anywhere else on their uniforms.

    Right. They've never gone double logo
    Yeah I don't know where Eagles came from. Must've had them on my mind when typing this. Nonetheless, I don't like the Eagles logo on the shoulders anyway.
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