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Everything posted by pitt6pack

  1. *** EDIT *** The post has since been moved here: http://boards.sportslogos.net/topic/98529-super-bowl-field-database-super-bowl-xxvii-update/?p=2249403 Here are some of the logos used on the field. I used paint to do all of this so they aren't perfect but there as close as I could get them. Midfield Logo NFL Logo in Packers Endzone There were a few differences from the current NFL logo at the time. Here there are less stars and they were in a slightly different arrangement. Also the there were no caps at the bottom of the 'N' and 'F'. AFL Logo The only difference from the normal logo was the white inside the 'A'
  2. Links to each post: Actual Super Bowl Fields I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII XXXIX XL XLI XLII XLIII XLIV XLV XLVI XLVII XLVIII XLIX 50 LI LII LIII LIV LV LVI LVII LVIII LIX LX Fields can also be found at The Gridiron Fields Database - a part of The Gridiron Uniforms Database In 2012 I wanted to recreate all of the fields from each Super Bowl to use for a football simulation program I've been writing for C#. Recently I have gone back and tried to refine each field to be as exact as possible, and its still a work in progress. I got the idea to start posting them after seeing kodrinsky's NBA court database and I thought it would be a good way to get some feedback and some help pointing out any inaccuracies in what I have so far. So, as I've said before, I want to be as exact as possible, so if anyone sees something inaccurate please let me know by either posting a picture or a link to a video that can help me out. It could be something as small as color, number font, or even the width of the lines on the field. Anything will help. I guess I'll start with Super Bowl I Super Bowl I: January 15, 1967. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California Kansas City Chiefs - 10 Green Bay Packers - 35 < First Post Super Bowl II > I do have higher resolution (9144x4344 pixels) images of the fields that are to a scale of 1px=.5in, and templates if anyone ever wants them.
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