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Status Updates posted by MFAPM

  1. In case you didnt know its been a month since i was back again on Aaron Judge bandwagon, shotgun. #letsgo #babybombers

  2. Would it be wonderful if @realDonaldTrump #takeaknee, on his face, preferably @Kaepernick7 's, or one of these SOA bitches.

  3. All i really want is to tweet $100m into existence.

  4. We escobared cheeseburger in xxi , now i know how pablo felt.

  5. RT @SheaSerrano: Nightcrawler is top level

  6. If people start to rank nba journos @ZachLowe_NBA is the michael jordan '90-91 in this bitch.

  7. Depression but as Survival Mechanism.

  8. RT @CorkyKneivel: Hairspray Live is a TV musical adaption of a movie adaption of a musical adaption of a movie about musical TV.

  9. Ada mas, Opiate of the Masses https://t.co/5GVa5rHhxB

  10. RT @wef: The universe is bigger than we thought. Much bigger https://t.co/yBvkfVz7up https://t.co/hOKNiuZd7s

  11. Right in the feels, I almost cry at the office. I'm tired to be an adult https://t.co/DZbrM6nOeS

  12. RT @BMcCarthy32: does any other industry have a standard as rigid as cartoonists' refusal to ever draw a fifth finger?

  13. @SheaSerrano https://t.co/L5mhsgk8t0

  14. I broke my calf tendon and my analgesic of choice is vodka.

  15. American History X

  16. Damn, it's deep bro (this is about that poor sap who came home and found his girl with another man right?) https://t.co/zFGAbG9TvC

  17. RT @jonfavs: This is very powerful https://t.co/QndFELhCsF

  18. RT @ValaAfshar: Steve Jobs talking about what happens when marketing/sales takes over from 'product' founders — via @ow https://t.co/7A4IuZ…

  19. RT @marklisanti: What if the part of the brain that makes you lunge to swing at balls in the dirt also makes you superhuman at tagging?

  20. Andrew Miller is god among babies

  21. Lemme tell you man this is how universe works, we only want people who don't want us.

  22. V v c ccl l 0heer kk my

  23. If the #Cubs win it all this year do Jason Heyward gets a full share? #worldseries

  24. RT @charliesheen: Major League continues to be the gift that keeps on giving! if called upon, I'd be honored. https://t.co/ijjAU0Qvbw

  25. RT @GlennyRodge: "Hi, this is room 213. I'd like a wake up call" "Certainly, sir. You're in your 40s and have achieved nothing in life" "…

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