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Status Updates posted by MFAPM

  1. Some people are born gay, get over it. LGBT is not an illness, homophobia is. https://t.co/WPdl7RL7J4

  2. Pilih mana, berat badan naik sekilo perhari sebulan atau nonton konser muse dari mulai sampai selesai?

  3. re24pect https://t.co/1GJeCUuFmC

  4. .@BillSimmons with no censorship? sign me in. @ringer

  5. @SheaSerrano i love 808s to death but i cant make myself to love tlop, yes maybe im the police.

  6. Copy em. They're the real entrepreneurs, making money from nothing. https://t.co/hzQ1sEIRUi

  7. i wanna live in a world where we can make great living from making ultimate 90's mix tape.

  8. RT @kporzee: Hey fans who wants a free signed jersey? RT&Follow @ShifmanMattress for a chance to win! Competition until Feb 19! https://t.c…

  9. @9GAGTweets Wiser Time - The Black Crowes

  10. @aagym .. Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Pepsi, Nike, Levi's, Starbucks, Visa, Mastercard, Walt Disney.. jgn dipake semua stad krn mendukung LGBT

  11. pilih mana, ditendang putar conor mcgregor di kepala tiap hari setahun atau dengar coldplay tiap hari sebulan?

  12. @SheaSerrano would you trade one of your sons to get a 10 day contract with the spurs?

  13. Congrats man, bring back the hot takes with the comment section. Big fan from indonesia https://t.co/e9TJlDCtne

  14. @telkomindihome saya kecewa dengan pelayanan indihom yg secara sepihak menaikkan biaya bulanan dan menghilangkan paket movie 2 dari layanan

  15. Psikologi @hafidz_ary https://t.co/RZsVAInE9J

  16. RT @BeII_LetsTaIk: For every retweet this gets, @Bell will donate 5¢ towards helping people with mental illness. Lets see how much we can …

  17. Buuuuuurrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn https://t.co/XWJlyuXzId

  18. scientology kali maksudnya mas, bilang dapet salam dari Xenu :p https://t.co/enhNj3HvCj

  19. omnipotweet paradox https://t.co/ktQBKKzlLg

  20. i need a sugar mama. a$ap. https://t.co/s0I9hqq3CF

  21. RT @GaryJanetti: If we ever bump into each other on the street it's only because I've been unsuccessful in my attempt to avoid you.

  22. there's no better feeling in the world than waking up next to a girl you really really really love.

  23. I'm listening to Dre like it's 1999.

  24. jogger pants is so dumb it doesnt even deserve a punchline

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