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Status Updates posted by MFAPM

  1. A spectacular finish for a storied career. Thank you Kobe. A spectacular finish for a steroid career. Thank you Arod.

  2. 24 Hour Party People's Buffet #VegasMovies @midnight

  3. @theAdamYahya @ejha_rawk setuju mas untuk TLOP pontennya dapet 8.5.

  4. RT @RADTHERANDOM: if im one of the middle eastern oil billionaires, i prolly use Tesla as my powerbank.

  5. @imanbr sama aja kyk dulu mas, cuma dulu gak ada sosmed.

  6. RT @ISXBELLAM: “What if an aborted fetus would’ve found the cure to cancer?” http://t.co/NaFnHxraNK

  7. @BESTPALU Semi charmed life is about life with drugs.

  8. .@hotradero, bang ini bener? Cutting The Trade Deficit Won’t Make America Great Again - https://t.co/yJ19Xqvep8 https://t.co/S2bl2jyrlu

  9. every nation gets acara tv it deserves https://t.co/4KY0IB715L

  10. @SheaSerrano I dont even have a slightest idea what a newsletter is https://t.co/vEXpjzux7A

  11. RT @ajiwar: Penyiar cowok @ardanradio ini bodoh dan dongo banget, ngedoain pelaku bom Brussel diberikan jalan menuju surga karena bunuh dir…

  12. @SheaSerrano I cant thank you enough for recommend the boys among men. I'm @Jpdabrams team for life.

  13. Kill Bill Clinton's Wife #AddAWomanImproveAMovie @midnight

  14. From Indonesia and barely know english, but I bought @jpdabrams book because mi hombre @SheaSerrano said so. https://t.co/vDyXSEhKln

  15. @BillSimmons @ringer Where's Shea?

  16. @kamentrader slightly overrated?

  17. RT @adweak: BREAKING: Immediately Following New Business Pitch, Agency Meets To Share Their Interpretations Of Client's Body Language

  18. Sudah kuduga https://t.co/rcDrIuZTvZ

  19. i want whatever minute i have spent to read this garbage back https://t.co/60Z0mTtfc9

  20. Can someone head really explodes after hearing Kendrick's new album? (part 3)

  21. ..or shampoo in "Evolution" https://t.co/oSXTL41ZT2

  22. RT @batkaren: Mario sighs deeply, exhaling the despair of his pointless, undying life. The controller takes over his body once again, forci…

  23. RT @Jesus_M_Christ: That's about right Neil, that's about right. https://t.co/e70cq6h1kv

  24. RT @Irish_Atheist: My purpose is not to change your mind about the value of LGBT people, but to create a world where your grandchildren are…

  25. @byanuar gak sih, cuma takut sama org normal. btw normal itu apa? dan normalphobia itu apa?

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