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Posts posted by WestCoastBias

  1. 54 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

    I’m starting to wonder if these moves are going to compel some of the bigger schools to eventually do something that’s probably completely surprising to all of us right now and just cut their football programs altogether. Like, how much enthusiasm does a school like UC Berkeley really have for football? Could an institution like Colorado look at the numbers and think they may be better off spending their limited sports money elsewhere? I know out west at least in places like the Bay Area there is basically nothing coming from people other than apathy on the recent PAC 12 moves. Why bother keeping something so expensive when you can’t even fill your stadiums for games against teams like Notre Dame (Which I’ve seen at Stanford games)? 


    I bet Cal would seriously think about it but they spent too much on renovating Memorial Stadium to just get rid of football now. That's really the main issue with dropping football, what do you do with the massive stadiums that every school in the conference has invested millions into in the past 10 years? Stanford has a enough money probably to just tear it down and not care but everyone else has spent way too much money to just stop now. 


    Ironically, UCLA is the only one that could easily drop football since they don't have a stadium to worry about, that ain't happening now though. 

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, MJWalker45 said:

    Why should they get screwed over?  They've been hosed enough over the years, especially Houston.


    Because if my team that has over 100 years of history playing against its fellow Pac-12 members is going to get screwed over than I don't want happiness for anyone else anymore. 

  3. On 7/1/2022 at 9:18 AM, VampyrRabbitDesign said:


    New Pumas UNAM Jerseys for 2022-23. The home has a shoulder pattern that was described by the Footyheadlines site as Subtle.




    And another launch for a team from Mexico City supplied by Nike, America home and away.










    Club America always looks good.

  4. 4 hours ago, Burmy said:

    Latest word has it that one of the options which has been gaining momentum is for the Big 12 and Pac-12's top schools to merge and form a new 16-team conference...but that option could end up leaving six schools out in the cold.




    If this happens I hope Cincinnati, Houston, UCF, and BYU somehow get left out.

  5. 1 hour ago, Magic Dynasty said:

    Also shows how USC and UCLA are burning over a century of tradition by making this move. Yknow, tradition, what makes college sports great.


    I get why it happened. The Big Ten's payout even before their addition would be 2-3x what they'd be getting in the Pac-12. And obviously the rest of the conference would love to add two storied brands in a massive market and significantly increase what they get from media deals as well. But it's still a sad day for college sports and everyone that's getting left behind by the LA duo.


    I just can't help but wonder what Oregon State and Washington State can do here, if anything. They're not in big markets, they're the second fiddle in their state, they're not elite academic institutions. If the rest of the conference splinters and goes its separate ways they are completely and utterly screwed. Hello Mountain West, I guess.


    I'm an Oregon State and honestly I'm fine with either having to join the MW or basically making the Pac-12 the MW.  At this point I don't even want to be part of major college football anymore. Over 100 years of tradition thrown out the window for tv money due to USC's and UCLA's own ineptitude in major sports, it's a real shame and most people aren't even realizing how bad of a thing this is for the sport. Just let me know what conference the Beavs will be in and I'll watch them, I'm not a college football fan anymore just going to support my alma mater and that's it. You guys have fun with your playoff and super conferences. 

  6. 3 hours ago, FiddySicks said:

    And I’m really hoping they don’t. People are severely underestimating just how few A’s fans are left in general, let alone in the Bay Area. What’s it gonna look like when they have this 12 billion dollar stadium project (:censored:in roflmao at even the thought of that ever happening, but still) and people still don’t show up for games? The stadium issue is absolutely the A’s most pressing issue, but it damn sure isn’t their only problem. They have DECADES of rebuilding left to do just to get that fanbase back up to competing with the rest of the league. The idea that A’s fans are going to come pouring out of the woods once a new stadium is built is wrong, and frankly, really stupid. 


    I know numerous A's fans that are sick of the owners crap and refusing to go to games or buy gear this year. While I question that approach as it gives the team an out that they don't have enough fans in Oakland, it is a thing that is happening. 

  7. Yeah Larry Scott deserves a lot of blame for this but if USC didn't hire bad coach after bad coach for a whole decade then the stock of the conference wouldn't be so down. Same goes for UCLA, when did they ever place a large importance on football? They just barely started caring about basketball again after a surprise Final Four run. USC and UCLA wouldn't feel the need to leave the Pac-12 if they cared about their major sports like they should have been. Oregon has consistently put resources into football and so did Washington before Jimmy Lake killed all their momentum, even Stanford was elite for half of the 2010's! Washington State invested and achieved under Leach too! USC and UCLA didn't hold up their end of the deal and now they want to blame the rest of the Pac-12. Well, have fun playing freezing cold games in November and going to road games against Purdue, Indiana, Rutgers, Maryland, and Illinois. Screw them, good riddance. 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, spartacat_12 said:

    Say what you want about these uniforms, but this is probably the best balance of blue, burgundy, and white that the Avs have ever had. Removing black & silver from the equation makes things a lot simpler.




    Totally agree, this is the Avs best look.

  9. Well, college football is officially dead if this happens.


    As a Pac-12 fan, I don't know what even happens after this. I bet Oregon and Washington are probably trying to find a way out now too. Stanford and Cal are probably pissed. If more schools leave then I see a merger with the Mountain West as the only option. I doubt any Big 12 teams would want to leave for the Pac-12 now.

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/27/2022 at 12:35 PM, Dilbert said:

    it sounds like Indy is still going for a 20,000 seat stadium. Im pretty sure MLS is just about set on having Las Vegas as team number 30 but, if they go to 32 Id say Indy could be a solid bet.


    Hopefully Sacramento can get a team after they got screwed over, but I think that ship sailed a long time ago. I want San Diego to have a team and there's still Tampa too. And Detroit? MLS should just go to 36 teams, there's a lot of deserving cities. 

  11. 13 hours ago, throwuascenario said:


    I didn't like these at all when they came out but they really grew on me. Swap out that green for yellow and these jerseys are some of their best in team history. I really don't like their current uniforms. They're both bland and garish at the same time.


    7 hours ago, Crabcake said:

    The volt is easily the worst part of those uniforms. I agree that a straight swap for yellow would make them absolute modern classics. Shame that Nike Nike’d it up


    You guys like the mismatched jersey and shorts too?

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