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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. I never understood the flags and their purpose on the jersey. Did the Flames ever give a reason why they were included in the first place?
  2. This was a huge victim of the Edge sets because the logo got too small and the stripes never connected as intended. I think the Ducks got too ambitious with the whole "Orange County" vibe they were going with. It's the right color but all they have to do is strip away a lot of the details, starting with the orange yokes on the away jersey.
  3. Appropriate reaction to any City or whatever they wanna call it jersey.
  4. Both the Ducks and Sharks would benefit from having black pants.
  5. I don't like that idea at all. It feels like that time the Oilers finally went back to their classic colors only to switch to orange and navy because it sold well only for that 1 season only for everyone to realize "ehh, they're kinda lame", then go back (again) to the classic colors. Bottom line, the Sabres should just stick with what they have. It's the only good thing they've done in the past 15 years.
  6. I actually like the idea of the current cup holder to have a special center ice logo for that season.
  7. Probably the worst away uniform in hockey today.
  8. For some reason I thought the Bengals already had orange pants.
  9. I hate how the Jets cropped their logo just to fit the endzone. It looks really bad. Everything else the Jets have done looks amazing. If this season goes to hell, they'll at least look great aesthetically again.
  10. I thought there was a glitch. That thing was never ending.
  11. Football in football in football logo
  12. Thanks to NBA Live 2008 these horribly ugly uniforms will live on forever.
  13. I can see them doing the Dolphins and Bucs approach where they have their primaries, that being the Sack Exchange set, but also use the Namath era sets as the occasional throwback. It's been working very well for both teams so I don't see why it wouldn't with the Jets.
  14. There's a simple solution to fixing the shoulders and they're not using it. Can someone let them know already? It's so weird they choose the 2000s version of the "Football in football" logo rather than the Namath era where it was actually shaped like a football. This set still has it's fans (myself included) so it makes sense to bring them back so soon as "throwbacks". The Jets honestly can't go wrong with what they have right now. They can make a lot of money off the Sack Exchange and Namath Era sets being used at the same time.
  15. I like that NFL teams CAN make good uniforms but choose not to make them primaries for the most part.
  16. I don't hate this. I like them a bit. That being said, I would still prefer if they wore their regular uniforms during the actual game.
  17. Someone already said this but the Falcons just looked really cool in them. They were a cool team with a cool QB. I also used to love the piping era. It was slick and they looked faster, if that made any sort of sense. Maybe because they looked like Shadow the Hedgehog and I was a huge fan of the character, like a lot of my friends. I was super young but I have memories of when a lot of those teams transitioned to the Reebok era and I thought most had the coolest uniforms ever. My young mind thought the Falcons, Cardinals and Seahawks never looked better. But it only worked on football. The Reebok piping on NBA and NHL teams for whatever reason didn't impress me the same.
  18. I actually used to love these uniforms as a kid when they first debut. It wasn't until the Nike switch when I really started to notice all the problems.
  19. They really did need the black pants for that contrast. I'm also think the orange shoulder yokes on the away's are a bit much but both aren't deal breakers. It's a great uniform and a change that's long overdue.
  20. Just to understand, they're keeping the Adidas template correct?
  21. They are hockey jerseys alright.
  22. Reminds me of this Thursday Night Game between the Jets and Jaguars where they decided to not use any exciting colors at all.
  23. It's just another uniform that further cements my problem with this "minimalistic" era of NFL (and sports in general) uniforms. It's boring. It doesn't stand out. I'm gonna put the game on and it'll take me a long time before I realize "oh it's the Vikings". It's a white uniform that hides almost everything that makes the Vikings brand stand out. Why would I wanna wear this? Why would anyone wanna wear this? No one will know "oh it's the Vikings". I may as well wear a regular white t-shirt.
  24. There's no reason for this to exist other than, it looks cool as hell.
  25. I was expecting more purple out of the jersey since it was heavily featured in the teaser. I don't really care for them as is. Like a lot of CC's, these are just another swing and a miss.
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