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Everything posted by adsarebad

  1. Ugh.... i hate super tight v-neck tshirts.... or just tight t shirts in general, does not even have to be v-necks. But i am sorry i have to ask what lines around the corner means?
  2. And maybe a all white alternate uniform..... like the Bengals use! For days when the team is named the Polar Bears!
  3. Woke up drenched in sweat last night..... Had a nightmare about a NFL team called the Arlington Bears. It was just a nightmare, no team will be called that........ right?
  4. So WS patches will now be on the front of the jersey. thanks to the sleeve ads, even for teams that do not have them. Holy cluttering Batman! Looks like :censored:, and the patch is also much smaller than previous 35+ years, of course, since there is less room on the front than on the sleeve. Man, MLB and their greedy boss and team owners.
  5. Agree, the guy is a clout and ring chasing POS, but blaming him for black jereys is not fair.
  6. Instead Jeter gave the team a ugly roster and ugly uniforms, so it worked out in the end.
  7. Marlins uniforms are garbage.....a shame the Marlins Man have made everyone hate their previous look, and esp. the orange jersey. I did not like it at the time, but in retrospect and seeing what the have now, bring this back, the whole shebang! And oh yeah, :censored: Derek Jeter for dismantling the whole team... and for the new uniforms! Giancarlo to his Yankees Bring it back! -
  8. If the Astros players did it, it would look like they were playing in sleeveless jerseys! (cuz it's so :censored:ing big) ..........
  10. That guy is genuinely scary. A ghoul! The NBA draft should be NC-17. Just mind-blowing to think that his predecessor was the complete opposite! Would not even allow manufacturer logo on NBA jersey and shorts!!
  11. Maybe maybe....... the white sox black CC jersey look okay with black pants, but the jersey is also black. This All Star jersey is Navy blue!
  12. Just something i threw in the generator -
  13. So a northwest green with a white outline would not be visible on a navy background? I say it would be! they could also have used silver, another Mariner color.
  14. For a 490 dollar shirt these all star jerseys look incredibly cheap. Numbers should be teal with a white outline on the navy jersey. and of course navy with a white outline on the American league teal jersey. - just for reference - Wish i had photoshop skills to make the numbers teal with white outline.. And perhaps also on the front script, that would look good in two color as well.
  15. No way man? Well, buy any of these hats and you will have dual citizenship fanship. So don't ever say Nike doesn't save fans money!
  16. Soccer is different, teams have a home kit, it only changes very little every year, away kit change a bit more... and then comes the rarely used 3rd kit, and that is where the madness can happen. It does not need to follow any rules of the team color codes. But again, not used very often. And as you know, most MLB teams already did have 3rd , or even a 4th jersey.
  17. The Red Sox CC uni have nothing to do with the team though, not a single thing ties it to the baseball team...... unlike most of the other CC unis. - This is garbage:
  18. France is associated with the Eiffel Tower, that is what 90% of people on the street would say as the first thing. Don't let your love of a uniform blind you from reality lmao
  19. The Marathon is not what people think of first when they think about Boston. You think of landmarks, heritage, not a single yearly sporting event. And the colors are jarring, they do not belong on a team called Red Sox... and if it had to be a different color(s) green and orange would be a hell of lot better and of course way more "City Connected"!
  20. Yeah..... remember this? It got in the way of arm movement they said! - -
  21. Finally it's here, the battle of the most disgusting ad patch, who will come out victorious!!?? - -
  22. LA Angels, Arizona, and Houston's CC unis are 10 times better than the blinding Red Sox CC uni. Nobody associates and connects Boston to it's marathon race. New York has a marathon, so do many other cities ......
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