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Everything posted by adsarebad

  1. A fitting tribute from stifler . Delicious patch! -
  2. Oh no, spelling errors? The humanity! Guess i better be heading out on my paper route to earn more money for my education!
  3. Now there is no doubt about it... it's the thing in 2023! City Connect is now somehow a bastardization of former time periods and their players . I mean, WTF? - - Explain this one! that was NOT available last season, so obviously something must have changed. - https://www.mlbshop.com/los-angeles-dodgers/mens-los-angeles-dodgers-jackie-robinson-nike-city-connect-authentic-player-jersey/t-14663266+p-8231537436856+z-9-216212320?_ref=p-SRP:m-GRID:i-r1c2:po-5&sku=17822329 - And we see that Pittsburgh is coming out with a Clemente CC jersey ! This whole CC thing just went south IMO ....
  4. Sorry man, i got 99 problems but money ain't ' one of them
  5. They could make some 13 and 27 if they didn't have to make 44 ones, just to cater to idiots who don't know the year is 2023, and that a dead man will not be wearing that jersey on the field. I am sorry, clown me all you want.....but making a authentic on field jersey with a dead man's name is insane. replica perhaps, but not these game jerseys
  6. I don't know what that means..... but i want an Acuna jr. or Austin Riley jersey ...... not a :censored:ing hank arron on field jersey in 2023!
  7. Maybe...... but i feel more it's Nike that is mad about Michell and Ness making a few bucks of dead/retired players, and they swoop in like vultures trying to get some action too.
  8. Clemente? So Nike are going retro instead of City Connect for the 3 time in a row? Coming to think of it, all 3 CC jerseys released here in 2023 are retro apparently, a new trend? .... please don't let this be the case for the rest of the CC uniforms!!
  9. Strange coincidence that the latest two City Connect jersey are very "retro" Even stranger is that these jerseys are available with retired and even dead player name on them! . https://www.mlbshop.com/seattle-mariners/mens-seattle-mariners-ken-griffey-jr-nike-royal-2023-city-connect-authentic-player-jersey/t-92014484+p-597586595907+z-8-830427271 - https://www.fanatics.com/mlb/atlanta-braves/hank-aaron-atlanta-braves-nike-2023-city-connect-authentic-player-jersey-white/o-1265+t-81884105+p-26864204594+z-9-335454544?_ref=p-DLP:m-GRID:i-r1c0:po-3&sku=17809459 . Now why the hell would you spend $500 on a 2023 jersey that these players never wore or will ever wear in a game?? - Hank Aaron is dead for Gods sake! Why would you wear a current jersey with his name, go to Michell and Ness instead and buy the real throwback jersey, that's "only" $300! Talk about jersey foul! This is common sense foul! Can't believe Nike actually made them .... + people are stupid enough to buy them. - End of rant. -
  10. You basically just wrote what the problem is yourself. City Connect Jersey = City of Seattle ....... Pacific Northwest = -
  11. No doubt, this is venturing out in NBA waters, with plenty of unis that stray away from the team colors
  12. You might be right. Still, pnw ? Nah, smh
  13. The sleeve patch looks to be plastic/rubber like and not embroidered .... not something i would pay $475 for! - - - I found the dugout sweatshirt the players will be wearing as well. -
  14. they worked with Nike right? Nike approached them with design ideas, isn't that how the teams phrase it every time we get the mile long explanation of why "that is here and this is there" on the jerseys?
  15. So instead of City Connect, we now have 2 uniforms that are just retro instead, Atlanta and Seattle........ Running out of ideas Nike clowns?
  16. Ridiculous Seattle CC uni. There are already so many blue teams. Navy, silver and green is awesome! This is a garbage look for the Mariners....... not everything old is good!
  17. Don't think so. We also sorely need a Green and Gold NBA team. Oh Supersonics, where are you now?
  18. A one and done floor eh? Let's go
  19. My favorite "bring your kid to work day" photo
  20. Experts only.... hey, that's us here on the forum!
  21. yes, but a yellow blob on a license plate, does not it mean it looks good on a MLB jersey!! And on this plate the yellow sticker is small, on the jersey it's huge. It's the same thing as the ads we all hate , both those ads and this yellow patch stick out like a sore thumb!
  22. Colorado took what should have been Seattle's City Connect uniforms! That green with some silver and navy...... oh yeah And Seattle would probably also have omitted the horrible yellow license plate on the sleeve. - Rockies colors: Silver and Purple.... so here is your Connect jersey, white and green.... but don't worry, for some reason the Nike logo is purple! .
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