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Everything posted by ruttep

  1. A lazy argument can easily be made in the opposite direction, too: Changing a uniform to something gimmicky because it's "modern" is a cash grab begging for attention. Modern uniforms can be nice to look at for a time, but the only reason some of them get steam is social media. Uniforms aren't that simple and can't be boiled down to those arguments. Each team's uniforms should be looked at on a case-by-case basis.
  2. The vintage pic looks better to me than the Texas A&M pic (mostly because it looks like a classic hockey jersey shoulder yoke), but not sold on this idea. It'd take some getting used to for me.
  3. Trying to imagine what vertical sleeve stripes would look like, and I'm not a fan, especially at the expense of TV numbers. But to each their own.
  4. A classic franchise like the Packers will always look better with regular block numbers. I don't get this at all. Not sure there's enough contrast to add blue to a green jersey. Your sleeve stripes modification would be a lateral move at best.
  5. The Hurricanes are wearing red helmets on the road again, likely for the entire duration of their time in the playoffs as there are no other playoff teams that wear red helmets.
  6. Literally the only thing I'd change on either of the Packers' or Steelers' uniforms would be a return to block numbers for the Steelers
  7. See, I thought that the white helmet look was pretty cool in the release photos, but I wasn't a fan of how it showed up on TV, it looked really washed out to me.
  8. I preferred the drop shadow throwbacks with the orange helmet
  9. What would you change about the Niners? (if it's the facemask color, I disagree)
  10. Giants are not top 5, especially not with the white road pants
  11. My (biased) pick is the Niners. For a non-homer pick? I gotta go with the Packers.
  12. Agreed - the most modern thing about that jersey is the lack of TV numbers (on the sleeves)
  13. The new uniforms look even more bland to me.
  14. Disagree completely. Pant stripes at least still look like a football uniform. Stripeless pants leading into socks of the same color is what truly gives off the full legging effect, which I can't stand.
  15. My ideal Bruins jerseys moving forward are the previous jerseys with the centennial logo on the front.
  16. Great passing play, but it was all made possible by Ovi's complete lack of effort with the puck and on the backcheck.
  17. I've been watching, the Rangers took care of business in the first two games. Of course, they held a 2-0 lead against the Lightning in 2022 and the Devils last year before blowing both series, so this series is far from over.
  18. I think the Storm Surge is great. I thought the Wings player doing the griddy earlier this season was awesome too. I loved the empty net antics that took place this season. But I don't know what to tell you if you don't cringe with secondhand embarrassment at Carolina's social media presence. A professional sports team tweeting "CRY" is simply absurd.
  19. It's not that they're being arrogant, it's just that some of it seems so over the top that it borders on desperation. That's what makes Carolina's fanbase off-putting to me, at least.
  20. Rankings of the four reveals: Jets Lions Gaping chasm Texans Broncos
  21. Let's be clear here, I'm far from an unbiased observer of the Hurricanes's Twitter account. I'm a Rangers fan who would love to see Carolina flame out of the playoffs as soon as possible. I don't like that team anyway.
  22. Not disagreeing with you, but what Carolina does is just being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious. You have a great team with all the pieces to push for the Cup. You don't need to act like a 13 year old on Xbox to beg people for attention on top of that.
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