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Arizona Cardinals Concept


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Here's my next work... The Arizona Cardinals a.k.a. the High School Team of the NFL... My concept is basically to make them look like a professional team, instead of an high school... Heck, MY high school looks betta :P I also modified the Cardinal to look a bit meaner and have a mean streak to it...

but enuff talkin, here it is





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That's none too bad, Flame. I'd like to see a little black and a little silver. Maybe have the numbers outlined in silver then black. Maybe some Nike-esque piping (flees angry mob :cursing: ). No NFL team has Miami-style striping. That could work for the Cards. In all seriousness, it could. Dude... I just got an idea. Be back soon...


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for some reason it makes me think Falcons too much. Maybe it's cuz of the different colored shoulders and the #'s, which are similar to Atlanta's. Also, i associated 45 to T.J. Duckett... ^_^

Nice concept though, no doubt the Cards need a change



when you're replacing an old Carr, you need more than Les Miles

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