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3v3 basketball assignment


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Hey! first post guys!
I am currently in the middle of an event design assignment for the Wellington design school and iv decided to a fictional 3v3 basketball tournament that iv called the Trans-Tasman Triples Championship ( lame name I know but didn't want to waste half my deadline trying to come up with name something better and the thought the 3TC had a good ring to it) . After talking to some friends who fit the target audience and going over some concepts and existing designs I found they were after something that is simple and clean but still conveyed a sense of magnitude and movement.


So I ended up this: 



And would appreciate some feedback, cheers.

Also, I couldn't sus how to attach images? hence the doc link, if someone can help me out ill post a png.

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Welcome aboard! 

I like your logo, simple yet powerful. The only thing is that the side text, in my opinion,  should be orange and not red.


For posting images, if you have them online somewhere you just have to paste their link on your post. You can also attach files to your profile but you have a limited amount of space.

      38665609364_bedb96967e_o.png                                                                                        spacer.pngMy Behance                                                                                                   

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1 hour ago, Atomic said:

No, you can't.  You need to host your pictures on another site such as imgur and then paste the code/url here. 

I recalled doing it a while ago so I didn't noticed that the service was no more available. Thanks for the correction.

      38665609364_bedb96967e_o.png                                                                                        spacer.pngMy Behance                                                                                                   

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Here you go: 




Overall, it's a nice logo. A few thoughts:


  • The navy keystroke needs to be consistent around the ball and spikes coming off of it. Right now, it's a little unbalanced in the streaks versus the area surrounding the ball.
  • I think the streaks are too much. With the wordmark and simple ball logo, I think you need to keep the retro vibe going and just keep the ball. 
  • I'd like to see an element of the "triples" incorporated into it. Even if it's the 3TC abbreviation.
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