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Amarillo baseball fun time


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I was messing around on my computer today and thought to create this, Amarillo's team name options are awful so I thought, why not screw fans more with some very literal logos! This series will have two logos for each team name option, a Brandiose like logo, and a very literal abomination, perfect to sell merch! 

(Don’t take this too seriously, it’s just for fun)

Boot Scooters

So my first logo here draws inspiration from a cheesy cowboy boot, and that boots ability to grow limbs. Scoot! Scoot!


My second logo is a little bit of a different take on the word scooters, to include Amarillo’s elderly,  and it also features the always love-able human like scooter. l0LD19O.jpg


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6 hours ago, ramsjetsthunder said:

The first one is a great concept, but those arms look awfully familiar....

Yeah I struggled with them so I recolored the baby bomber logos arms, I’ll try to stay away from that for the rest of the series, it’s my first time creating digital concepts. 


So my second team here is the Bronc busters, I had so many ideas for this but decided on these two,


This logo was tricky, it was hard to keep it simple with all the detail I wanted to put. It’s a more of a laid back and traditional logo, ready for food one offs and unrelated alternate logos. Expect a lame bull riding attraction in center field.NFeX3ka.jpg

This logo is probably my favorite so far. The appeal to kids is just overpowering, every five year old has no doubt heard of OJ and his magical trek through LA. For parents it harkens back the good old days of normal sports, like the US in the World Cup and the cowboys being good


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