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2021 Winter Classic Concept


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Here is the start of my 2021 Winter Classic series. Of course, we know that the Minnesota Wild will be hosting the game at Target Field this next January. However, most of the details have yet to be announced, including the opponent. Here's my take on what the Wild should be wearing, come New Year's day.


I looked to Minnesota Hockey history to find what would be a great look. I personally don't like the Minneapolis Millers concepts, because I'm from the St. Paul side. So I'd imagine that Minneapolis-ers would feel the same about St. Paul. So a lot of the inspiration came from the two rival Minnesota cities. The Minneapolis Millers, the Old St. Paul Saints (Not the Fighting Saints) as well as the Wild's current branding and even a little bit of college hockey finds it's way into the mix with a little inspiration from the U of M and St. Cloud State. Of course the bear-head takes center stage, as that beautiful of a logo can't be left out. The State of Hockey logo adorns the shoulders on a thinner shoulder yoke, similar to the Dallas Stars most recent Winter Classic jersey. (So I guess the North Stars in a way had an effect too?)


Here's all of the Inspiration more in depth.


This St. Paul Saints jersey did have the biggest impact, I mean the colors work for the Wild, as well as having a vibe similar to the current branding. I didn't use the current Minnesota script, because it felt too thin, and didn't match the character of the jersey quite right. (I do feel like there is a huge chance that it returns for the game in 2021, though.) I did use a lot of inspiration from this jersey, because the Wild play within the boundaries of St. Paul.


The Millers gave me inspiration to use the chest stripe, as most of their jerseys use chest stripes. They also used the thin shoulder yoke, as well as the Saints, making the decision to use that easy. 


The current Minnesota Wild branding had a lot to do with the look as well. Also having a chest stripe made it easy to add one, as well as the current striping was minimally adjusted to make this Winter Classic look.


I also added a second version with green striped pants. I wasn't really sure about the red breezers, but the striped green ones, while feeling old-timey, added up to way to many of the same stripes on the jersey. Let me know what you think about this jersey!


I'll be posting the logo, (which will adorn the other shoulder,) as well as the potential opponents sweaters as I complete them.

"And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You." Psalms 9:10

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Really like the design but I think a throwback or fauxback logo would look better and fit in with the winter classic better. 

I posted a winter classic concept yesterday if you want to check mine out. 

I just un-italicized the Wilds alternate logo. If you want a copy of it, I would be happy to share, just let me know.

Also, even though it is a pet peeve of mine that the chest stripe doesn't go to the back on the preds winter classic jersey and the Panthers regular jerseys, I think it would work here since the numbers are the same color as the stripe.


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