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University of Vermont Catamounts Redesign


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Hi all, I was reminded by the phenomenal Colorado College redesign, that I like making new logos for D1 NCAA Hockey schools, so I decided to jump back on the horse and deal with one of my long time least favorite hockey logos, the University of Vermont Catamounts.




The logo features a catamount (a name referring to the extinct eastern cougar) jumping through a V. The idea of the logo itself is fine, it's just that I hate everything about it: the extensive use of non-school colors, the extremely poor rendering, the clashing styles of the cougar and the V. It just has never worked for me. Therefore, I decided to just kind of completely scrap it all and go with two new logos.




I'm gonna be honest, I don't have really that much to say. It's a cougar head, it's in school colors. The second logo replaces the block letter V and replaces it with a letter lockup representing the school's initials UVM. The M comes from the schools latin name Universitas Viridis Montis. The letters V and M are stacked, and each interlock with the U.




I've got a dribbble, check it out if you like my stuff; alternatively, if you hate my stuff, send it to your enemies to punish their insolence!

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6 hours ago, MDGP said:

The second logo replaces the block letter V and replaces it with a letter lockup representing the school's initials UVM. The M comes from the schools latin name Universitas Viridis Montis. The letters V and M are stacked, and each interlock with the U.





Is that actually where UVM comes from?! I never really understood what UVM stood for, I always thought it might be coming from University of VerMont or something.


To the actual logo, I feel like the V gets lost in the letter lockup because of its placement above the M. It looks more like it's just UM with a line break in a big M for the U to intersect, if that makes any sense. 


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