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Voting For Robbman's Evolution Challenge #4


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Well,the votes are now tallied and a newcomer to the Evolution Challenge has come away with it's biggest prize.Totalling 22 total points,Eddie010's San Diego Padres evolution is the winner of Event #4.The official rsults are as follows,with a tie for 3rd place.Because of the tie both will recieve their 3rd place awards to place in their signatures.Again thanks to all who perticipated and a big thanks to those who voted as well.Evolution Event #5 will be rolling around in the coming weeks.

1st-Eddie010's San Diego Padres

2nd-VicFurth's Chicago White Sox

3rd(TIE)-Joshuaming's Chicago White Sox

JKRjr's San Francisco Giants


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Yeah, baby!

Sweet win, can't believe I pulled it off, what with all the other big names in the mix. Thanks for all the votes, people! 'Preciate it!

Now, robbman, I ain't no newcomer. If you may recall, I've placed 2nd in the first two challenges, took a break from #3 and now I'm back, with a vengeance!

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