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West Indian Warriors logo

Alphabet Man

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It looks like a mixed hodge podge of symbols. You have the superman-esque W in the background, the "West Indian" text flowing across the logo, and the "Warriors" bubbled from the bottom. There's no consistency, no clarity.

Pick one symbol, and build around it. Personally, if anything, I'd pick the background W. Also, I'd try to work in a connection to the "Warriors" name. Also, although Illustrator makes gradients and envelope distortions relatively easy, they should be used very sparingly.

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It looks like a mixed hodge podge of symbols. You have the superman-esque W in the background, the "West Indian" text flowing across the logo, and the "Warriors" bubbled from the bottom. There's no consistency, no clarity.

Pick one symbol, and build around it. Personally, if anything, I'd pick the background W. Also, I'd try to work in a connection to the "Warriors" name. Also, although Illustrator makes gradients and envelope distortions relatively easy, they should be used very sparingly.

I think if used well, you can use both. Esspecially the distorting. At least if your bad at wordmarks like I am. Gives typical fonts a little better look. That's how I do most of mine, but I try to mix a couple distorts so you can't tell that that's all I did. an arc and some perspective seems to work best for me.

However, I agree with you on this logo. Needs more consistancy. I'd like to see a warrior, axe, spear, something like that as well.

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