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Thrashers third concept


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The word on atlantas new third jersey is that it is light blue, with black and yellow trim, and with the word Atlanta written on the shoulders

from all this i made this (c/p) jersey.  I tried it in NHL2002 and it surprisingly looked good.  An ugly color combo (yellow and light blue dont go together), but it somehow looks decently good on the ice.  I would like to see atlanta pick light blue as the main color of the franchise, that with white and/or navy is all they need to make great colors unique to the nhl.

also, i asked this in my nhl 2002 post but if anyone knows where there are jersey downloads for nhl 2002 please tell me...

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I think the light blue will be darker than that.  Also, I feel the jersey will have the straight arm length stripe(sort of like they use now).  Here is my interpretation that I did when the news first came out about the details a little while back.  I doubt there will be a recolored logo.  They'll probably just use the same one as now, burgundy and all.

My Thrashers alt

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