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Slightly ot: vancouver gets 2010 winter olympics


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the bid logo features a mountain and the sails of canada place. the official logo features the mountains with a (sailboat?) and a wave.

By the way, if you don't live in vancouver you might be interested to know that the olympics here are going to be hell for traffic jams. today it took me 40 minutes to get through downtown and over the lions gate bridge. if you come here in 2010 don't rent a car!

Vancouver 2010 Two Man Luge Gold Medalist.


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Posted on July 05 2003,19:40

the bid logo features a mountain and the sails of canada place. the official logo features the mountains with a (sailboat?) and a wave.

By the way, if you don't live in vancouver you might be interested to know that the olympics here are going to be hell for traffic jams. today it took me 40 minutes to get through downtown and over the lions gate bridge. if you come here in 2010 don't rent a car!

Here's better advice, don't rent a snowmobile! :laugh:

I saw, I came, I left.

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