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Slightly ot: vancouver gets 2010 winter olympics


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I won't sing this time. But good news for the Great White North!  The International Olympic Committee members have given the 2010 Winter Olympic Games to Vancouver!  A great city will forever be an Olympic city.  Plus with Whistler thrown in, I'm not suprised they got it.  The South Korea city that was in the final, didn't even have a downhill slope for skiing.  

With this decision almost for certain means:

1. the NHL players will play in 2006 and 2010 Olympic games

2. New York's bid (which lost to San Francisco for the USA bid) will most likely not win the 2012 Summer Olympics.  It can happen (remember 1980-Lake Placid, 1984-Los Angeles, 1988-Calgary) that a continent could hold three Olympics in a decade, but likely won't happen.

3. With me missing Salt Lake City, and been wanting to visit Vancouver and Toronto.  I'm for sure going to Vancouver in 2010

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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damn, new york didnt get it. well, were broke ne way..lol :laugh:

i hope it comes here soon, b4 i die! :D

just to clear this up, no official decision for 2012 has been made, but the theory is as puckguy said- Vancouver winter games 2010=no summer games for NY in 2012. It isnt impossible that the IOC could decide different, but common wisdom is that European votes for Vancouver 2010 have been 'exchanged' for the promise of votes for a European city in 2012.

From what I read at the moment (and the decision is still 2 or 3 years away) it is most likely betweeen Paris and London for 2012. Paris had a very swanky launch and has a stadium already built, but there is a feeling that it is 'Britain's turn' after failed bids for the Games in '92,'96 and 2000.

Oops didnt mean to ramble on!!! Anyway well done to VAncouver, wish I could be over there in 2010 but I doubt it!!!!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Let's get back on-topic, OK????? :;):

Seriously, if the decision was to have been based on the bid city's logos, my ranking would have been...

1. Salzburg Salzburg logo (cut and paste)

2. Vancouver

3. Korea (sorry I can't remember city off the top of my head)

The Salzburg logo is classic. I love the combination of the mountain with a musical note. It relays the history of the city with the imagery of the Winter Games. Vancouver's is pretty, but I can't rank it ahead of Salzburg's. Korea's? No comment.

Nevertheless, congrats to Vancouver!

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Nice to see that the Olympics are awarded to the city (Vancouver) where it rains a lot more than snows in the winter. Imagine the ice sport atheltes walking around in the winter wonderland known as Vancouver.

Of course there is Whistler, which I really want to go to someday ........ if I only knew how to ski!!! :(

Now, ff only Canada will a gold medal on home soil! :D

Well now it's time for me say Toronto 2016!! (or 2020)


On a much more serious manner, I do wish governments would find some money to help the less fortunate people in our society, considering that they help fund money for the bid itself! :angry:

I saw, I came, I left.

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London will win in 2012....Beckham will be there Gretzky  :D

Seriously though I was shocked when Salzburg got booted on the first ballot.I thought they were Vancouvers main rival.

Oh btw...all 3 logos were sharp,but Vancouvers was best IMO

Congrats Canada,and Congrats Vancouver

Kings Cross AFC -BIP, Winnipeg Falcons - TNFF, St. Louis Archers - MLF


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Like I've told Chris before in our IM's when sending files.  I love Canada, and want to visit there.  Vancouver and Seattle remind me of San Francisco.  Very happening downtown area with an absolute gorgeous view of the Pacific Ocean.  

Of course, I'd like to go to Toronto as well, so I can touch that Stanley Cup and tour "Creamer's office"!

Whoo hoo, can't wait to make my reservations for 2010.

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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Yes it kicks ass that we got the games. Party at my house everyone! :D

*brings the Journey*

Any way you want it, that's the way you need it, anyway you want it!

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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To be fair and honest perhaps Lodon deserves it 2012 its been a long time since the UK has had an olympics.

Has anybody seen the 2010 Olympic loog I s aw something with poeple selbrating had like a ocean and a mountian that looked good but they flashed it I didnt see what it was.



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Has anybody seen the 2010 Olympic loog I s aw something with poeple selbrating had like a ocean and a mountian that looked good but they flashed it I didnt see what it was.

You mean the bid logo?


Or are you thinking of the old bid logo? It doesn't have an ocean in it though... ???




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