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JEts to stay in Giants Stadium?


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after all the cracks u made about the "new jersey giants" this is classic.

oh, and just because u wouldnt be paying for the stadium dosnt mean u can disregard those who would have to pay.

I agree. If I were a New York taxpayer I'd probably not be as pumped about the Jets building a new staduim at my expence. However, NY resident or not, I would still love to see the Jets get out of that dump in NJ and get their very own stadium in the City. It's gonna be decided sometime before the IOC selects the 2012 host. They said if there is no approval for the new stadium, they won't even consider NYC when it comes time to select.


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However, NY resident or not, I would still love to see the Jets get out of that dump in NJ and get their very own stadium in the City.

Yea, NJ is such a dump that close to 8 million people choose to live there instead of in the city. It's a dump as much as Long Island is a dump. Maybe if you went somewhere in New JErsey besides the Newark Airport you would see that.

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