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New logo contest


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Hey gang,

I work for an off-off-Broadway theatre company in NYC, and have finally convinced the board that we need a rebranding. Our look, frankly, stinks.

Here's the current logo:


Ugh. Fortunately, the board now agrees with me.

I need a new logo. I need something that's bold, simple and dynamic. It should reproduce well in both black and white and color (for our advertising).

I thought I would throw this out to you guys and see if anyone's interested.

The Storm Theatre specializes in plays that haven't been seen recently in New York. This means a combination of new works (such as the recent LAST STARFIGHTER: THE MUSICAL) and "forgotten" works (such as THE SHOEMAKER'S HOLIDAY, not seen in NYC since Orson Welles did it in the 1930s). In addition, we produce a Shakespeare play every spring. You can learn more about the company at www.stormtheatre.com.

The design could be very modern, or it could be Elizabethan (reflecting the Shakespeare).

So post your logos here, if you're interested. No rules, no real contest. We're talking with other designers, so I can't promise that we will use one of the ones posted here. But if we do, the designer will have the honor of seeing his/her work used by a New York theatre company. Plus we'll throw in a baseball cap or t-shirt emblazoned with your logo.

Any takers? Help me out here, fellas!

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LAST STARFIGHTER was pretty cool. When people heard we were doing it, they had two questions:

1) "Really?" Yes, really.

2) "Does it suck?" No, actually, it was pretty good.

We had people drive down from Boston and up from DC, fly in from Seattle and LA and Denver and Chicago. Who knew that Starfighter had such a following?

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No offense Gothamite ... but this is ridiculous. I don't know why it is that so many businesses think that designers can be constantly asked to forfeit their time, energy and talent for absolutely no compensation.

Christ man, hire a designer, or at least if you are going to come to this board, offer something more than ... oh, we'll give you credit for the design. You come to a board like this, which i'm sure you know has many young designers, ask them to do work for you, offer nothing in return, and say that maybe if you do a good enough job for me for free, then i'll use it. That is so unbelievably unprofessional ... and shows absolutely no respect for any of the designers here. Contests are bad for designers for a number of reasons, but to just come here and ask for free work for a for-profit business is completely ridiculous ... i hope you get your moneys worth.

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Sorry, I thought this'd be fun.

I can see why you're upset, but perhaps that's because I didn't give enough information about the company at the start. I'm so used to talking up the company that I gave you the wrong idea. The Storm Theatre is a registered 501c(3) organization. Not a for-profit concern.

We operate under a Showcase Contract with the actors' union, which essentially means that we are required to lose money on every show. Off-off-Broadway is a non-profit affair in which the margin between red and black is usually measured in the hundreds of dollars. Nobody's going to be making any dough off a designer's sweat and blood.

The 501c(3) information is there on the website, but I didn't put it in my original post. For that I'm sorry.

I thought somebody here might appreciate a chance to get their work seen and produced. If you don't want to contribute, that's fine too.

If the overall consensus of the board (or the opinion of CC) is that this is inappropriate, I'll delete the thread.

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well ... then i'm sorry for assuming ... if its basically an art community, asking help from another art community i can understand .. i wish you would have phrased it that way to begin with.

Sorry for assuming it was for-profit ... i've had a couple clients that were theater companies, and they were for-profit, but still tried to lowball me from the start (pretty typical for any client trying to save themselves some money). But for some reason artists sometimes think that they can ask other artists for work and no money need be exchanged because its all about the craft .. and thats fine if everyone understands thats what it is going into it ... but for me, this is my business and my passion, so I have to play businessman when it comes to dollars and cents alot of time.

Well, hopefully somebody is willing to spend their time to help out then .. sorry again for assuming .. its a subject i get a bit protective about.

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