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worst. jersey. ever.

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I think the Cowboys are technically wearing their alternate uniform on Thanksgiving.  It just happens to look a lot like their original uniform.

Actually I think it's considered a throwback. The white helmet makes it more than an alternate set - teams can't have "alternate" helmets.

You are correct. The Cowboys own store advertises the jersey as a "throwback." But the 'Boys are the only team wearing a throwback uniform on Thanksgiving, as opposed to years past when all four teams wore them. Or at least that's the information I've seen.

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I think the Lions uniforms, which used to be among the best in the league, have deteriorated consistently over the last decade.

The logo-less throwback unis are very popular, but they look ugly to me. The numbers appear to be applied in duct tape.

Then they gratiutously added black to their beautiful blue-and-silver scheme.

Finally, they've adopted these black alternates. Terrible.

While I am an avowed Bears fan, I think the Barry Sanders-era Lions' unis were beautiful.

Today they're a garbled mess, only a step removed from the HORROR of the Bills' gear.


Generally speaking, I don't think the whole "throwback" concept works w/ football.

W/ the exception of batting helmets, baseball players today wear essentially the same gear they wore back in the day.

Modern basketball shorts are longer, but the overall unis today are pretty similar to the classics.

But football uniforms have changed significantly.

Modern football uniforms have more pads, bigger pads, molded plastic helmets, facemasks, and pants and jerseys made of stretchy, high-sheen material that were unheard of in the early days of the sport.

It works OK when the Bills bust out their OJ-era unis -- they were pretty similar in composition to the modern gear.

But it does nothing for me to see the Lions to strip their logos and piping and wear what look like practice uniforms.

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