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Ohio Valley Greyhounds New Logo?


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DanTheFan, owner of UIFans.com, posted this:

Recently, I received the team's fourth attempted letter for seaosn ticket renewals, the differences in this letter and previous ones is the letterhead logo. I've attached the new logo, and I am not much of a fan of it, and don't see as much of a difference from the old one.



Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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I'm from the area. I will call today and see what I get told. I talked to the new team owner about a month ago and he said they were redesigning the logo. That logo maybe a black and white version from the teams concept when they first came into the league. I can't prove that, but thats a rough guess. :D

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Okay. I just called the Greyhounds. The guy I spoke to said that the logo was changed but not a lot. I think it's going to SUCK!!! Being a greyhounds fan, I hate the :cursing: stupid looking logo and I wish they would overhaul the damn thing. The guy said he was going to send me a copy of the schedule for this season. The new logo is supposed to be on it. Once I get it, I'll scan it in and post it here. The new website that should be up in 72 hours is www.ohiovalleyhounds.com.

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