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To get back off topic, The Cards used red seats in the old Busch Stadium, and they never really faded.

Wow, you really are a youngster, STL . . . or perhaps I'm just an old fogey. The only Busch Stadium seats you can recall are the ones that they installed in the late 80's or early 90's I can't recall exactly when (yikes! the memory's going too!). Back in the mid to late 70's I can recall the seats being a very muted shade of pink. I guess they didn't have the most advanced colorsafe plastics in 1966 when the original red seats were installed.

Fair enough. Regardless, I think it's safe to say the newer material for red seats does not fade.

I'm 18, just btw, so yeah...I'm too young to remember the change though it may have happened while I was alive.

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