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Hometown Heroes


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I agree that the Hometown Heroes promotion isn't the best. It was a great concept, but not thought out enough. They probably should have waited a while to do this. So that Washington has some players to vote for (since they aren't allowing them to vote for the old senators) and so that the Devil Rays may at least have some success (which I hate to admit looks like it could be in the near future). Also I don't think they should let everyone in the nation vote for each cities Hometown Heroes. Just make the ballots at home ballparks. I know out of town fans can still vote, but it won't be as big a percentage as if it is open to everyone online. In 2004 the Orioles ran a 50 greatest Orioles promotion for the 50th year in Baltimore. It was open online to everyone. Therefore Reggie Jackson was picked as one of the greatest. Despite the fact that he only played one year for Baltimore and from what my father told me everyone hated him. Overall this Hometown heroes promotion was a good idea, but executed poorly.

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The promotion is a joke and is missing great players. For Example the A's are missing Jimmy Foxx insted they have Dennis Eckersley. No offense to Rck but he isn't even close to as good as Jimmie Fox. These list are like many internet polls and are too recently based. It's like how ESPN almost every year calls a College Football Game the greatest college football game ever.

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My first reaction is that you're realy late on your outrage with this. Wasn't this a big story about a month ago (the Hometown Heros story on MLB.com is dated 7/18/06)?

Also, ESPN ran a, I think, Page 2 story about how many all-time greats were left off the list. When you have teams like the Cubs, Braves and the like with 130 year history's, and only five names to vote from, it realy is a joke.


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The biggest joke is that Canadian residents cannot vote... it'll be interesting to see who the Blue Jays hometown hero is because Jays fans are excluded from the vote.

Hope you guys pick someone decent for us.

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