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Al Arbour to coach one more time


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This is a joke. It further entrenches the NHL as an inferior league. None of the other major sports would let this happen. Would the Tigers let Sparky Anderson come back for one more game? (He might be dead, so bad example.) Or the 49ers and Walsh? The man was a great coach, if the Islanders want to honor him that night that would be great, but calling the game, I don't like it.

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This is a joke. It further entrenches the NHL as an inferior league. None of the other major sports would let this happen. Would the Tigers let Sparky Anderson come back for one more game? (He might be dead, so bad example.) Or the 49ers and Walsh? The man was a great coach, if the Islanders want to honor him that night that would be great, but calling the game, I don't like it.

Geez, Sparky's only 73. Don't go digging the grave just yet... :P

But, really, I have no problem with this. I don't know why people could possibly be upset about it. I think it's a class move on the organization's part and the players probably get a kick out of playing for a living legend at least one night in their careers.

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