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Hey guys, are there any wrestlers here on the ccslc? if you wrestle, what style do you participate in? at what level? which weight class? have a favorite move or pinning combo? when does your season begin? Also, any equipment info you want to share is welcome.

I'll start:


High School

171 lbs/77.5kg

I like a double-leg takedown to crossface, then i stick my head in my opponent's ribs and roll him over to cradle for the pin.

I have some black Asics earguard and red Asics Matflex shoes.

We start on monday

how about you?


That's the type of shoe i have


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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Was a 275lb. weight class in high school, though I must note that I tried to wrestle like a smaller wrestler, with shots to takedowns, going after the opponent's legs.

Wish I had done better during my career - only won one legitimate varsity match (read: not by forfeit)


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