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Reviving the ABA


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This is my first concept in a LONG time, September 07 I think. Hopefully some of you will remember my previous concepts and give some constructive advice! Wanted to do a big project like this for a few years but never got round to it. I want to do all the ABA teams but due to a busy life they wont be coming very think, or very fast...

I wanted to keep this simple, as its the 1st one for a while but also wanted a retro feel. I also didnt want to go with what I thought would be a bit of an obvious colour scheme, i.e. green, white and red, so stayed with the original colours. This is just my interpretation of what an updated Amigos package would look like. Each team will vary, some will be retro, some updates, others completly fresh...I want to imagine the ABA & all the teams are being re-established.

Hope you all like it, I'm happy with it. I may not make suggested changes because of previously mentioned time constraints, but will carry over the advice to the next concept.




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Turk's back! Yay!

I like the direction. It's retro, for sure.

Here are my nitpicks:

- The home should be a light color. Make the white one the home, and try to give it the same style as the black and red ones and make one of them the alternate. You can then experiment with the striping on that one since it's the alternate.

- If you're going to put an outline on the back numbers, then do it for all of them. Be consistent.

- The numbers on the back should be moved up a little and should be a touch bigger.

- The wordmark fonts should be a little bigger as well.

- "Anaheim" should be on the away, and "Amigos" should be on the home. You can put whichever you want on the alternate.

Other than that, like I said, it's a good start and I'm excited to see the rest of 'em.


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I disagree with Brian about the home and away. That may be conventional that all teams have white for their home jerseys, but the ABA isn't nearly as formal. Plus, with three jerseys, they can always go to one of the other sets if needed.

I like the primary logo... it's about all the ABA can expect. The alternate isn't quite as favorable, but still good. Keep up the good work.

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How "updated" are you going for here?

If it's an "if the ABA survived and still played today" deal...then I think you missed the mark. Not to say that I don't like the jerseys, but they would have been replaced sometime down the line by something newer. Everything about it screams '70s.

Now, if that's what you're going for, redesigning them as if they still played in the '70s...you nailed it. Only thing I really have to say about the jerseys is apart from the striping, they seem quite plain. Maybe arch the "Amigos" and offset the number to the right? Some striping along the cuffs would go a long way as well - and I'd also like to see what the shorts would look like.

I'm a huge fan of the ABA - keep 'em coming!


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How "updated" are you going for here?

If it's an "if the ABA survived and still played today" deal...then I think you missed the mark. Not to say that I don't like the jerseys, but they would have been replaced sometime down the line by something newer. Everything about it screams '70s.

Now, if that's what you're going for, redesigning them as if they still played in the '70s...you nailed it. Only thing I really have to say about the jerseys is apart from the striping, they seem quite plain. Maybe arch the "Amigos" and offset the number to the right? Some striping along the cuffs would go a long way as well - and I'd also like to see what the shorts would look like.

I'm a huge fan of the ABA - keep 'em coming!

What I was going for was, what would the ABA be like if it was re-instated, today? So i've gone about reviving each team, as if they were going to start playing again in the near future. So some will be retro, some alot more modern, etc etc...

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