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OPTIMUS: Challenge 6

Mac the Knife

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While the rotation is no longer a rule, I would say that it's a good way to keep us fresh. Therefore, I would say that William is our best bet -- he led us to victory once, and this seems to be a good challenge for him since he's been out of TM duty for a while. He might also want to avenge that Board Room appearance.

Also, no excuses for being unfamiliar with this type of stuff. I think we all are. :grin:

So I nominate William for TM. As for me, I will embark on some research.

This challenge > My head

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My research shows that some distributors allow up to five colors per side with no cost increase, so we should probably use that to our advantage. The colors are generally hand-painted onto the coin, so I would suggest bold spaces in the center of the coin, for one, but perhaps also any designs nearer to the sides if possible (unless you'd like to apply multiple colors to the primary "central" graphic). For the colors themselves, I'd say to think of some colors that would look good if painted flat, like modeling paint, if you know what I mean. The actual colors would vary depending on the designs that we see, but I would suggest to keep them flat and clean, as well as low in number (3-5 range).

I'll work on some sketches to start, and hopefully some others can do that as well, and we'll sort out the specifics once our Task Manager is decided and begins to delegate.

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I've got an idea or two to work on tomorrow. I haven't had a chance to get online and check out examples yet (been out of town and still on my phone) , but I have a good idea of what many look like anyways.

as far as colors, I think a metal and another standard color would go well. like silver and red or blue...gold and green or red...etc etc. I don't want to go crazy with number of colors on such a small piece that will distract from the design as a whole.

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*crickets chirping*

can someone please send me the AI file (CS2)? e-mail address is:

apexcarolina |AT| gmail |DOT| com

I have an idea that I will try first by hand... as for the logo, Mac said to PM him the request. A version of it can be seen on Prodigy's thread:


And, from what I've heard, it's the top one (the full primary) that needs to be present.

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This is basically all I got so far, and it's still very rough... This is a wild challenge, lol. Come on, anyone else here?


And I'll probably be away until at least the weekend without a computer, so if that's the case best of luck to us and let's win!

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Alright, here was a first start on the back of the coin. At first, I used no color...but then decided if I was planned on using color on the front- maybe I should use it on the back as well? Anyhow, the oak leaf was included because Raleigh (where the organization is located) is "The City of Oaks".


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An advisory note or two to both teams, based on the concepts I'm seeing so far:

The legal disclaimer regarding the redemption must be large enough to be legible, which thus far hasn't been the case for either team. What I would personally recommend is placing this disclaimer around the outside perimeter of the reverse of the coin, sort of the same way "President of the United States of America" encircles the eagle icon in the presidential seal. It still should probably be as small as possible, but both teams are probably going too small with it.

Re-read the parameters of the contest closely. They aren't guidelines, but requirements established by either the client or, in most cases, by law. Without mentioning any specific instances, both teams have already deviated from them in at least some fashion that would render the finished product unusable. While some of the designs I see are pretty neat (I'm not a judge on this contest, so while I'm being as impartial as I can, I can at least express some general thoughts), they wouldn't be able to be used because of each team's inability to follow the required parameters.


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If you are referring to me using just one figure from the primary logo, I think it is you that needs to pay closer attention- at how you word things.\

"Each coin must incorporate CATS' primary logo in some fashion; a vector copy of this design is available to task leaders via PM to me."

Now just what does that mean? You've got a primary logo that consists of the same figured repeated at different scales. Are they all collectively one logo? Who knows. I'm pretty sure on the website they use a solo figure in the web layout. Also, you have a wordmark under the logo(s). Does that need to stay in the same position the AI file is presented? Same color accents on the wordmark? Same organization of the wordmark?

I read your statement with the feeling that the primary logo must be used to some extent, period. I guess with 4 different elements that appear to be the same...it doesn't look like a collective "logo" to me.

Please clarify.

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If you are referring to me using just one figure from the primary logo, I think it is you that needs to pay closer attention- at how you word things.\
"Each coin must incorporate CATS' primary logo in some fashion; a vector copy of this design is available to task leaders via PM to me."

Now just what does that mean? You've got a primary logo that consists of the same figured repeated at different scales. Are they all collectively one logo? Who knows. I'm pretty sure on the website they use a solo figure in the web layout. Also, you have a wordmark under the logo(s). Does that need to stay in the same position the AI file is presented? Same color accents on the wordmark? Same organization of the wordmark?

I read your statement with the feeling that the primary logo must be used to some extent, period. I guess with 4 different elements that appear to be the same...it doesn't look like a collective "logo" to me.

Please clarify.

I think you're a little paranoid about this. I never mentioned anything about primary logos or how they're being used; "in some fashion" was very purposely included in the wording to allow for creative license. All I said was re-read the parameters of the challenge as at least one of the designs from both teams was unsuitable, and I don't want either team to go off the deep end following a concept that results in them losing on the basis of an easily correctible technicality.


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Well I survived the ride through Jersey and I'm in DC right now. I might be able to check in occasionally but I am on an old laptop with no graphic capabilities. Just be aware I'll do what I can but it won't be much. Shiny, William, where art thou?


Wow, that looks really good. I love the leaf design and its symbolism. I assume that as long as we put on "_____ Dollars" we can put the number in numerical form, and I think that looks great how you did it. I'll say all I can think of as far as C&C. I think the "2009" should be a little more prominent. How does it look up top? I love the way you put just one of the figures on the front like I did and from what I can decipher from Mac's concern, that should be okay. I wonder this though, how did you choose to do blue for the outline/leaf on the 10 and orange on the 5? Was there a reason to choose those? I don't dislike it, I just think there should be a reason. Also, you forgot the ball for the primary figure. The secondary logos do not have the ball, but the primary, which we are supposed to use, does. (If this is in fact not necessary, I think we should use it anyway) In addition, I worry about cramping with the "Capital Area Team Sports." If you think it will fit well in real life, fine, but I think that should be of concern. Also I think we should try out some different font choices (and colors) for all elements on the front and back.

Finally, what about making the 10 dollar coin gold? That would provide some nice contrast, and also it's nice how gold is symbolic with 1st, silver with 2nd, etc. Overall, looks very good.

An advisory note or two to both teams, based on the concepts I'm seeing so far:

The legal disclaimer regarding the redemption must be large enough to be legible, which thus far hasn't been the case for either team. What I would personally recommend is placing this disclaimer around the outside perimeter of the reverse of the coin, sort of the same way "President of the United States of America" encircles the eagle icon in the presidential seal. It still should probably be as small as possible, but both teams are probably going too small with it.

Re-read the parameters of the contest closely. They aren't guidelines, but requirements established by either the client or, in most cases, by law. Without mentioning any specific instances, both teams have already deviated from them in at least some fashion that would render the finished product unusable. While some of the designs I see are pretty neat (I'm not a judge on this contest, so while I'm being as impartial as I can, I can at least express some general thoughts), they wouldn't be able to be used because of each team's inability to follow the required parameters.

I am and was fully aware I left out the legal stuff. It was a rough draft, didn't think it was necessary at that point, sorry for the confusion.

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