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Port Adelaide Power


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The decision to add something new to an old set often has a ripple effect of sorts, and this axiom held true when I revisited my Port Adelaide logos for the billionth time. The wing-shouldered jerseys Oregon busted out a while ago inspired me to create a similar logo as a secondary, only with a few twists.


yes, i made these new wings out of lightning bolts.


and on the home jumper, they are used in the same manner as Oregon.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Are these the colors they've always used? (I am certainly not much of a footy follower, so I haven't the slightest ^_^ ). Regardless, the color scheme is great for the theme of the team. (Lots of long E sounds there, kids.) The standalone bird is nice. On the crest, I am almost seeing an upside-down piercing, actually. It looks like one of those incomplete hoops that has the balls on the end that people put mainly in their ear lobes or through the center of their noses. The crest is the only place I see that though. My favorite part of the whole logo package is the secondary. I really like the wings on the bird and the tesla coils (for lack of a better word) make far more sense here to me (for whatever reason). The home jumper is a bit busy for my taste (but I know that's how you roll), and the away is very clean. I really like the silver/grey third. I know that (outside of baseball) silver or grey alts aren't always looked highly upon because they just look like dingy white, but I've always liked them and I think they look good. I also dig the third jersey because of the tesla coils. Not only do they serve well as stylized side-stripes, but they figuratively suggest the "power" pulsing between them (i.e. the drive, determination and skill of the player wearing the jumper).

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Ted, the Power added Silver and Teal when they joined the AFL in 1997. Prior to that, they were the Port Adelaide Magpies of the SANFL (which explains the magpie), so they added the other colors to avoid a name and color clash with the Collingwood Magpies. The bars on the bottom of the home jumper are styled after the bars that the club wore on their jumpers in their SANFL days and which are still used on the bottom of their current logo.

'Scrim, this is a fantastic set, and, even in your unique style, is a hundredfold upgrade to what they currently wear. I agree with Ted that the home jumper is a little cluttered, but I like the fact that you used lightning bolts for the bars. The away and secondary are done masterfully, I really love the lightning bolts as wings. The clash is a nice compliment to the other jerseys, though I don't like it as much as the other two.

Maybe I should pass this on to John Jones, the former CEO of Port, who lives in Philly now? ^_^


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