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Local Softball Team Uniform


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C&C Welcome - I'm getting ready to produce these asap. Any suggestions are welcome - originally they were red and white shirts but I thought the navy would be a nice break and prevent too much red from being a primary color. Now red is the accent color - I think this is pretty solid.


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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I think you may want to wait on production...

The bat looks awkward to me...it just looks as if it were to be on a weird angle.

Even if you were intending for it, this logo looks way too similar to the Cardinals. I think you could probably do more with the team than just simple scripts and a bat.

Plus, the cap logo is plain boring, spice it up a bit; it seems to just blend in with the hat too much. Maybe a thicker white outline might boost it's appearance. If you were going for a Cardinals look, you might want to try a mock STL logo.

IMO, of course ;)


I don't think, because thinking implies uncertainty. Therefore, I KNOW.

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Personally, I don't mind the simplicity and Cards' like nature of the logo, I think it works great with a softball team, and is much classier than your average "beer league".

The bat needs a little work.

I believe it's slightly too long and too thin.

Play with proportions, and maybe try to add a few grain lines.

I'm also always impressed when I see designs for "Rec Leagues" using 3-colours for printing.

I have ran a few of those teams and I never was able to get my players to fork out the extra cash for more than 2 colours (actually, only once did we go 2, it was always 1 colour...)

As for the cap, I would try to use the same font as the script you use on the logo.

I may get the look even more similar to the St-Louis Cards, but it would add consistency to the overall identity.

I would also consider a "Trucker" style hat with White front panel, it would really match the shirt style.

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Not a bad design.

Some suggestions;

Change the colours of the hat font to white, keep the triple colour theme throughout.

As was said earlier, thicken up the bat, even on the one end, make it slightly comical, like the concept of the BIG SWINGER going for the fences.

Make the "S" curling around the bat more elaborate. Make it thicker, with more waving and wooshing.

Check into a pair of shorts with a coloured stripe. Plain white shorts don't feel like they are meant to be there, even a blue stripe, or if you fine some white Adidas shorts with a stripe, those would tie the shorts into the design of the shirt, rather then feeling like they were just picked out of your dresser to go to the game in.

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thanks for the C&C!

i was trying to go for the cards feel - GC is literally 10 minutes outside of STL.

I want to try to keep it simple and classy, I'll play with the suggestions given. I just don't know how to adjust the bat. I used the exact same one the cardinals have...so I dunno? If anyone wants to take some stabs at it I'd be more than happy to see what you guys can come up with...

The GC hat logo is boring, i admit. It's very colorado rockies. But it's a throw back to granite city - they've used this logo for years. I'm just trying to mix some history and local sports together.

Thanks for all the C&C!!


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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lol, shorts. i could have specified i guess in my post. i'm going to slightly retool this concept and post it later - hopefully a bit more complete this time.


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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