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CCSLC Super Logo


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Hey everyone,

Just wondering if anyone (hopefully several!!) of the talented artists here would like to join forces to come up with a very high quality professional, albeit fantasy logo. My idea is that we create a new team, can be any sport, and create an identity from pencil sketches to complete uniform and branding. Everyone would get their say and be able to tweak and adjust the logos colours etc until we as a 'team' came up with a great finished project. Egos would have to be checked at the door and at the end no one could lay claim to it other than that they were a part of the process. I think this may be a good exercise for any of the younger members that wanted to get into this as a profession.

Feedback appreciated,


ps. I am relatively new to this forum so if this has been done in the past already my apologies.

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I think it would be more interesting to have 1 unique task, then have everyone work on their own version (sort of like the Logolympiad). Seeing the different directions that people take, and how they come up with their solution to the problem is how I pick up new tricks and ideas for my own work.

Ever heard the phrase "too many cooks in the kitchen"? That's how a group of people collaborating on one logo would turn out. Everyone has their own opinions and ideas.

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