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Dallas "winter" pro teams unis


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I think the influx of 'merchandising colors' (as I like to call them) has really hindered fans' bonds with their team colors. You see soccer fans singing songs about their team colors, and practically all their team merchandise is made in the team colors. Associating yourself with your team's unique color scheme and wearing it proudly used to be a source of pride in American athletics, and then somebody said, "Hey, this stuff doesn't have to be just for the stadium." To which the other guy said, "Come on. No one is going to wear a bright green quarter-zip out for drinks with his boss." Which then prompted many migrations to some type of navy blue, black, dark red, or dark green. Thankfully, bright colors are coming back into fashion, and people are learning that bright colors can be worn in good taste. As a result, we're seeing brighter colors come back into sports with teams like the Bills, Jazz, 76ers, etc.

While I agree with much of your post, I wouldn't cite the Bills and Jazz. The Bills just couldn't committ to the old colors fully and had to jam navy into the design. The uniforms look much worse than they could have because of the navy. The Jazz also "went back to their colors" without actually going back to their colors. They were always a purple team until around 2002. They brought back the green, but it isn't kelly green and gets lost on the uniforms. More importantly, they replaced the purple (which is also considered one of those "too bright" colors that people won't wear) with navy so a fan could comfortably wear a Jazz polo shirt with khakis on a trip to the grocery store or something.

While bright colors have always been there in urban fashion, they might just be starting to come back into more mainstream fashion. Admittedly, I am a boring married guy who doesn't fully know what is "in" for people my age, but the only time I really see young guys wearing bright colors, it will be a bright color against a navy background of a plaid shirt.

You're right. Though the Bills are obviously more royal-dominant than navy-dominant now, they still held on to that navy blue 'ace up the sleeve', and when I cited the Jazz I was thinking of the yellow and that certainly any combination of yellow, green and blue constitutes a 'more colorful' identity than one consisting of navy blue, sky blue and white.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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