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Sentimentally-deserving teams that didn't win


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First Stanley Cup Finals I paid attention too, and I wanted the Flames to win for two reasons:

1) Nine-year-old me thought their uniforms were badass (I now think the Lightning's uniforms were better, but I still like that Flames look)

2) Jarome Iginla was and still is my favorite non-Bruin NHLer.

So you were 13-14 when you joined here?

Wait, there are no rules here to let people know how old one has to be to establish a username here.

I was 13 when I joined, but I didn't begin posting a lot until late 2011 when I was just about 17.

But we have 14-year-olds roaming the boards, don't we? Cody21 is one, right?


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First Stanley Cup Finals I paid attention too, and I wanted the Flames to win for two reasons:

1) Nine-year-old me thought their uniforms were badass (I now think the Lightning's uniforms were better, but I still like that Flames look)

2) Jarome Iginla was and still is my favorite non-Bruin NHLer.

So you were 13-14 when you joined here?

Wait, there are no rules here to let people know how old one has to be to establish a username here.

His posting is often more syntactically valid than yours, so I'm not sure it matters how old he is.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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