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Milwaukee Wendigos Logo


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So I play on a fantasy hockey team, the Milwaukee Wendigos, and this is a logo I just completed.


If you're wondering what a wendigo is, it's basically a mythological creature that people believed you turned into if you were cannibalistic. There are many different descriptions from being a skeletal humanoid, to being hairy and having antlers. I used the latter description and based it off the following images. I wanted a somewhat simple/classic look and feel I accomplished that. What do y'all think? Any suggestions?




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I know it's a fantasy team, but there's absolutely no fkn WAY fans in Milwaukee would support a team whose mascot is known for cannibalism. That blonde-haired, people-eating pedophile from Ohio is still a sore issue around here.

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I know it's a fantasy team, but there's absolutely no fkn WAY fans in Milwaukee would support a team whose mascot is known for cannibalism. That blonde-haired, people-eating pedophile from Ohio is still a sore issue around here.

I think it is meant to play on a local belief, kind of like the Jersey Devil (correct me if I am wrong). I believe the concept is based on the premise of the character, not the characters actions. I mean if people in Milwaukee are that sensitive to their teams being named after negative human behavior, then Alcoholics Anonymous must have been up in arms for decades about the Brewers.


PS=I love the nickname, very originial, but the logo itself has great potential, but I think it loses something in the face design. I love the antlers and the shield, as well as the facial outline, but the face itself leaves a lot to be desired, IMO. I think if you make it more skeletal, like the second picture you have posted in the "spoiler", and maybe have one skull hanging off the antlers just for a splash, it would pop. That is my two second critique. Also, what is your color scheme going to be for this? If you haven't really chosen one, I would go something brown or coppery, with a splash of red, drawing off the palette available in the first picture in your "spoiler". Excellent start.

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Yea, I'm currently working on tweaking the crest area and then I'm going to work on the face a bit. I think I like the teeth the way they are, but I agree about making it look for skeletal. Colour wise I wanted a ghostly type colour scheme, which is why I went with the ash/icey blue. I'll play with it a bit, but copper and red does sound intriguing


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Different eyes, still playing with them

I think it is perfect! if i had to make one suggestion, it would be to split the face to mirror the blue/white split on the shield, i think it would tie it all together perfectly. but if you left it as it is, it would still be excellent.

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I know it's a fantasy team, but there's absolutely no fkn WAY fans in Milwaukee would support a team whose mascot is known for cannibalism. That blonde-haired, people-eating pedophile from Ohio is still a sore issue around here.

I think it is meant to play on a local belief, kind of like the Jersey Devil (correct me if I am wrong). I believe the concept is based on the premise of the character, not the characters actions. I mean if people in Milwaukee are that sensitive to their teams being named after negative human behavior, then Alcoholics Anonymous must have been up in arms for decades about the Brewers.

Honestly when I heard the connection to cannibalism I thought of Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein.

Also where do you get off on people for being sensitive to local crimes?

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To get back on topic, The logo is pretty cool. It kind of looks like the love child of the Admirals and Bucks, no offense I mean that in a good way. My only issue is with the hanging skulls. The way the two outer skulls are hung from the antlers, they look like they are about slide down the antler.

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Yea at another forum. Basically you sign up and depending how active you are in the league/forum you get rating points to use to ward your attributes at the end of each season. Uses EHM, forum members are the GMs, coaches, players, etc. It's fun.

Thanks for the comments guys, I'll look at changing the two outer skulls, I see what you mean.


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