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Real Salt Lake Concept (All Three Kits Included)


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I'm trying to get into doing soccer concepts now. My first one will be for Real Salt Lake, for no real reason...


I switched the blue for purple, which makes more sense for a royal-themed team iconography. I was also going for more of a La Liga look, since the team's name was obviously lifted from a Spanish team. And just for fun, I made up a mascot logo to go with it. Early in Utah's history, it was also known as the State of Deseret, deseret being another word for bee, a symbol of industry. That, combined with the team's regal theme, came together to create my mascot concept, I named her Queen Desiree.

C&C appreciated, as always. Unis will come soon.

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First of all, I really like the mascot and how you chose it, very clever.

The main logo has potential, but I don't really think it's much better than the current RSL logo. It seems much more rigid than the current logo, and I don't like the two tones of purple in the shield. The crown looks like a very fancy bowl of sorbet right now, try either a different type of crown design or just make it more like the crown used by RM and other La Liga teams.

Good start.

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UPDATE: Changed up the crown a little, got rid of the sash, and made the monogram a little bigger...


I did as MatFatCat suggested and took a closer look at the crests of La Liga teams. I found that while the crown is a very popular theme in Spanish soccer, you barely see it at all in other countries. I just thought that was interesting.

So anyway, back to my concept. Better or worse?

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I think you've really improved it, nicely done. The crown looks miles better.

The logo could use a certain level of more shininess that MLS logos tend to have these days, I even think a gradient that's darker on the sides of the shield would look good. It might be impossible to do that with whatever program you're using. (MS paint?)

If you got something like Inkscape, which is free, you could do a lot more with this.

Otherwise, really well done, I like it better than their current logo. I'd love to see some unis for this.

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I think you've really improved it, nicely done. The crown looks miles better.

The logo could use a certain level of more shininess that MLS logos tend to have these days, I even think a gradient that's darker on the sides of the shield would look good. It might be impossible to do that with whatever program you're using. (MS paint?)

If you got something like Inkscape, which is free, you could do a lot more with this.

Otherwise, really well done, I like it better than their current logo. I'd love to see some unis for this.

It's MS Paint, so gradients are out of the question. That's why I had the subliminated sash in the last version. As for unis, I have it all planned out, a home, a change, and a third, and hopefully I'll have at least one of them up by tomorrow.

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Finally, I have RSL's home kit done.


"Wait a minute, that's the same pattern Chivas USA wears! What's the big idea?"

I said I wanted to make them look more Spanish, didn't I? ;)

The red/white stripes are worn by three different La Liga members, two of them are very well-known. The stripes are more of a reference or an in-joke to that fact than anything else, really, plus with the next two kits I have planned, clashing will be a guaranteed non-issue.

So what's your verdict?

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I think it's decent, definitely not what I was expecting.

A couple ideas: If it wouldn't be an exorbitant amount of work, try rotating the MLS and USA patches to match the angle of the ends of the sleeves, right now they are way out of alignment. Also, you might want to make the RSL logo on the shorts have a red shield or just invert the colors to make it pop out more. Otherwise there's not much else.

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I think it's decent, definitely not what I was expecting.

A couple ideas: If it wouldn't be an exorbitant amount of work, try rotating the MLS and USA patches to match the angle of the ends of the sleeves, right now they are way out of alignment. Also, you might want to make the RSL logo on the shorts have a red shield or just invert the colors to make it pop out more. Otherwise there's not much else.

Sorry. Rotating stuff is hard in Paint, but I'll try to get it right. I read a tutorial on this somewhere, but I forgot all about it...

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OK, I'm back, and this time I have all three kits done, hopefully I got it right this time...


I made a few adjustments to the home kit, fixing the sleeve patches and changing the sock color.

The change kit...


Basically a solid purple version of their home kit, basically to show off their unique color scheme. I also made the shield of their crest red so it could be seen more easily against the purple background.

The third kit...


This one is an homage of the team's namesake, Real Madrid, who wore a similar kit last season. I promoted the monogram to the main crest, and used the crown off the main logo as the sock logo.

I think that's everything. C&C, please and thank you.

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