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Houston Rockets concepts from a beginner


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Hello everyone!

I did these concepts a couple a years ago just for fun (first time doing concepts on a computer). Lately I've decided to design some new concepts for the Rockets and perhaps some other teams.

Before I begin with my new concepts I would like to have your input on theses old concepts but also I'd like your advice:

how to execute better regarding stripes and outlines of texts?

Are there any "hidden" rules?

what software to use?

I currently use Photoshop and thats mainly because I suck with vector graphic...






I also did this logo (photoshop):


Thanks for a great site!

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It seems to Old West-y for a team named the Rockets, which is the same criticism people gave to the Astros. Both the Astros 2000s identity and this concept would work for a team playing in Reno, Cheyenne, or Amarillo, but not in a city known for the space program and the teams names' relating to the space program.

P.S. Use Arch instead of Arc for the names on the back.

the worst helmets design to me is the Jacksonville jaguars hamlets from 1995 to 2012 because you can't see the logo vary wall

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