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2005 wjc logo


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I know the people in Grand Forks were going through the process of picking a logo for the 2005 World Junior Championships and had sent their final two selections on to USA Hockey and the IIHF, but I haven't heard anything about it since then and that was in February.  Anyone know anything?  Just wondering.
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Damn, I knew it would be that one.  Since that one is up on the official site, I'll leak what little I know about the proposed logos...

The one that was picked was the front-runner the whole time.  The first version of that logo was without the stars and didn't include the "Theif River Falls, Minnesota" text.  The revised logo you see was selected in the second round of submissions to the people in Grand Forks, who sent it on to USA Hockey and the IIHF for approval, along with a second logo as a backup.

I designed the backup logo.  It can be seen (along with my original proposal) here.

I'm kind of disappointed that I never heard back that my logo wasn't selected (*cough* Seattle Thunderbirds *cough*), it sounded like everything was being poorly run anyway.  They asked that submissions use no more than four colors, the one they picked uses three shades of blue, red, yellow and black.

I can't complain though.  I designed the first version of the logo in one day, never having used Illustrator before.  The final one was done before I had used it for a week.  I won't bother everyone with the drama behind that, but I'll post some of my designs if anyone wants to see them.

There was a third logo selected from the original round but I don't have a link to it, they pulled it down after the final two logos were chosen by Grand Forks.  The group that did the third one was

local 722 design group.

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I suppose I could have mentioned it when I got info in the mail a few weeks ago about it. ;)

The logo is horrible.  Horrible, horrible, horrible.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went back 8 pages to bring this topic back up.  Just talked to someone who talked to someone in Grand Forks and the logo decision isn't final.  They needed a logo to start using so they used the one they picked but it hasn't been approved by USA Hockey or the IIHF yet.

I have a few touchups left on the revised version of the logo I submitted, I'll post it when I'm done.

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Me personally I think both logos are very bland.  Leaves you wanting more.

I congratulate you on yoru second place finish.  My suggestion is elimate the motion marks, just makes it cluttered, and maybe shading the player a little more would add depth.  I think both logos lack depth.

Just my two cents

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HA!  I never wanted to put those ridiculous motion marks in there but the guy I was working with who didn't know anything but always tried to act like he did said they had to be there or we didn't have a shot.

The updated, not submitted version should be posted tonight.

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