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Preserving a Helmet Signature


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Mods, please move this thread if I have posted it in the wrong place.

I'm a huge Mets fan, and a huge fan of David Wright. Since he's basically guaranteed to play most of if not all of his career with the Mets, and be arguably one of their greatest players, I thought it was time I owned a real nice piece of Mets memorabilia. For quite some time now, I've had my eye on an autographed Mets helmet from Steiner sports, but I've been held back from pulling the trigger because I'm worried about the signature fading.

It's a blue Mets helmet, and the signature is on the lid in silver Sharpie. I was wondering if anyone had any information on how to protect the signature, and how long it will last under proper care. I know there are some obvious things, such as having it in a nice case and keeping it away from direct sunlight. However, I'm not buying this helmet to keep it boxed up in a closet - I want this thing to be displayed. I would love to know that my purchase will guarantee me a signature that will last for many years, preferably the rest of my life. Would really appreciate any tips/experiences anyone could share, thanks!

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I have an autographed Darrent Williams helmet that's also signed with a silver sharpie.

The thing about that is the metallic ink used shouldn't fade much, if at all. I've had it for almost eight years now and it's not faded at all. I haven't gotten a display case for it yet, which I'm picky about the type and other stuff. I have to dust it off every now and then, yet it still has not faded at all.

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