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The Hegewisch Open, From Conception to Final Product

Alex Houston

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A while back I posted a request for a beer pong tournament logo I was going to have at my apartment. Since no members offered to do the job, I went back to a former co-worker of mine from college who I commissioned work from before in a birthday gift for the girlfriend. We discussed some ideas and came up with a final concept that I think works wonders.

The first round of sketches were based off my requests for something that would harken back to the train station in town where many of my friends and myself grew up. I wanted to incorporate the look of the train cars, as well as the train station, with having a beer growler thrown in, since it's the trophy for the event.


The second image on the top right and the bottom image where the two I gravitated towards, since I thought they balanced the growler, as well as the train cars out nicely. We discussed it further, telling him I wanted to have the train station involved as well and he drew up a second set shortly after.


Although I appreciated the new angle in the top two, I opted for the more traditional model in C. Every part of the piece was complementary in size and it would be proportionate when I would glue it to the actual growler I'd be handing out. I was excited to see the colors added to the piece that would make it pop and he didn't disappointed when the rough cut was done a couple days later.


At this point, it was more about ironing out the tiny flaws and adding little touches of detail that make a piece jump from good to great. My final instructions were to add some shine to the growler itself, to change up the bottom font, make room for some fake sponsorship logos and add the year somewhere to commemorate when it was being held. Below is the final product


I'm very happy with the way the final product turned out. Could there be more detail on the actual train station itself? Yea. Could there be some more on the train, like lines or lights or something? Sure. But for the amount of time it took and trying to convey my vision to someone else, it came out close to how I wanted it to. Seeing it in a more vertical style would've been interesting, but I'm happy how it came out and think it was money well spent.

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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