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Posts posted by Davidson

  1. 1 hour ago, Bomba Tomba said:

    I noticed most of these designs have the V-shaped thingy across the chest, is it really a common design element in rugby?

    Yes, it’s very common in rugby league, though oddly very rare in rugby Union. It’s hard to say exactly why, but the standard answer is that when the codes split (Rugby League went professional in 1895 and union was, until the mid 90s, an amateur sport) it became the dominant code in only a few areas. Principly the north of England where it was born and Australia. Common in Australian sports design was the V-stripe design on cricket jumpers. As sports clubs in Australia were often multi sports organisations, these designs became uniform across all their teams. This became a popular element throughout the game as it sought to be different and appear aesthetically separate from Rugby Union. It’s now common in the UK and France also.

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